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DDL Name Templates

At various times during the process of data modeling, Enterprise Architect is required to automatically generate Table constraints. The naming standard for these generated constraints is defined in and applied by the DDL Name Templates, which you are free to change at any time. These Name templates are defined at repository level, so whenever they are changed all users of the repository will use the new templates.



Settings > Model > Options > Source Code Engineering : DDL Name Templates Browse.

DDL Name Templates



See also

Primary Key

Define the name template used when Primary Key constraints are created.

Primary Keys

Unique Constraint

Define the name template used when Unique Constraints are created.

Unique Constraints

Foreign Key

Define the name template used when Foreign Key constraints are created.

Foreign Keys

Foreign Key Index

Define the name template used when Foreign Key indexes are created.


Click on this button to save the name template(s) you have defined.

Template Macros

These recognized macros will be replaced by name text during the creation of a constraint name.


Applies to

See also


Primary Key

Unique Constraint

Description: The string that is replaced by the Table's name.


The string that is replaced by the constraint's column name(s).


Foreign Key

Description: The string that is replaced by the primary (parent) Table's name.


The string that is replaced by the foreign (child) Table's name.


Foreign Key Index

Description: The string that is replaced by the Foreign Key name.