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Export Requirements to DOORS

Using the Sparx Systems MDG Link for DOORS, you can transfer all the Requirement elements under the selected Enterprise Architect Package to a linked IBM® Rational® DOORS® module, as DOORS objects.

As part of this process you can create an export profile to define what the export should operate on. An export profile is a template in which you specify the Enterprise Architect element properties to be exported to the mapped fields in DOORS object properties.



Click on target Package, then:

Specialize > Add-Ins > DOORS > Export to Doors

Context Menu

Browser window | Right-click on target Package | Specialize | DOORS | Export to Doors

Export to DOORS Dialog

On the 'Export to DOORS' dialog you set the module you are exporting into, and specify which export profile to apply and whether to also export connectors and attachments.

Export to DOORS dialog in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Export Options



See also

DOORS Module

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the linked DOORS module into which to export the Requirements.

Module Manager

If the required module is not listed, click on this button to display the 'Module Manager' dialog, and locate and link to the module.

Create a Link to a DOORS Module

Profile Name

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate export profile to use in this operation.

Profile Manager

If the export profiles listed are not appropriate, click on this button to display the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog and create, edit or import the profile. (See the Manage Export Profiles table.)

Export Connectors

Select this checkbox to export any connectors between the Requirement elements.

Export Attachments

Select this checkbox to export any attachments that the Requirement elements might have.


Click on this button to begin the export of Requirements from the selected Enterprise Architect Package to the specified DOORS module.


Click on this button to close the 'Export to Doors' dialog without exporting any Requirements.


Click on this button to display this Help topic.

Export Profiles Manager Dialog

When you click on the Profile Manager button on the 'Export to DOORS' dialog, the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog displays. You use this dialog to create or import new profiles, edit or delete existing profiles, and export profiles to your preferred file system.

Manage Export Profiles



See also


Click on this button to add a new export profile. The 'Mapping Options' dialog displays; see the Create or Edit an Export Profile table.


Click on an existing profile name and click on this button to edit the parameters of that profile. The 'Mapping Options' dialog displays, showing the current parameters of the profile; see the Create or Edit an Export Profile table.


Click on an existing profile name and click on this button to immediately remove that profile from the list.


Click on this button to display the 'Import a Profile - Doors Extension' browser. Browse for the location of the required profile file (.eProfile), and click on the file name and on the Open button.

A status message displays. Click on the OK button; if the operation was successful, the profile name displays on the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog. If unsuccessful, the profile is not added to the list.


Click on a profile name and click on this button to export that profile to a file system location as a .eProfile file. The 'Save As' browser displays. Browse to the required location and click on the Save button. A status message displays; click on the OK button to clear the message.

Show all

Turn on this option to display profiles which belong to all the linked modules.


When you have finished using the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog, click on this button to return to the 'Export to Doors' dialog.

Export Mapping Options Dialog

When you click on the Add button or Edit button on the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog, the 'Mapping Options' dialog displays. This dialog maps Enterprise Architect element properties to IBM® Rational® DOORS® Object properties, and helps you to define which properties - including Tagged Values - to export. You can use the selected profile many times to update the DOORS module with changes in the Enterprise Architect Requirements.

Create or Edit an Export Profile



See also

Profile Name

Type in an appropriate name for the profile (if editing an existing profile, the name of the selected profile displays here).

Choose an Action

Defaults to 'Export'. You can click on the drop-down arrow and change this action to 'Import' if you are switching the direction of the data exchange.

Element Type

Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of Enterprise Architect element to export.

Requirement Type

This option will be available only if ‘Requirement’ is selected as Element Type. Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of Requirement Type to filter for.

Enterprise Architect

Lists the Enterprise Architect element properties that could be exported.


Lists the DOORS properties that can be exported to. Double-click on an empty property field to map that field to an Enterprise Architect property. If there are no available properties, an error message displays; otherwise, the 'Configure Attribute Mapping' dialog displays.

The Configure Attribute Mapping dialog in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

Add Custom Field

Click on this button to select an Enterprise Architect Tagged Value name to export. The 'Add Tag Name' dialog displays.

Adding the name of a tagged value.


Click on a DOORS property value and click on this button to clear the value mapped to the corresponding Enterprise Architect property.

Save Profile

Click on this button to save the Profile definition you have created, and close the 'Mapping Options' dialog and return to the 'Export Profiles Manager' dialog.


Click on this button to close the 'Mapping Options' dialog.

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