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Local Paths Dialog

Using the 'Local Paths' dialog, you can set up local paths for a single user on a particular machine. For a description of the use of local paths, see the Local Paths topic.



Develop > Source Code > Options > Configure Local Paths




See also


Type in or browser for the path of the local directory in the file system (for example, d:\java\source).


Type in the shared ID that is substituted for the Local Path (for example, JAVA_SRC).


Click on the drop-down arrow and select the type of path to apply to (for example, Java).

Relative Paths

Lists the paths currently defined for the model, defaulting to most recent at the top.

If you want to change the sequence of paths in the list, click on a path and use the Up and down hand icons buttons to move the path up or down one position in the list.

Apply Path

Click on a path in the 'Relative Paths' list and click on this button to update any existing full path names in the model to the shared relative path name. For example:

     d:\java\source\    might become    %JAVA_SRC%\

Expand Path

Click on a path in the 'Relative Paths' list and click on this button to remove the relative path and substitute the full path name (the opposite effect of the Apply Path button).


Click on this button to clear the data fields so that you can define another local path.


When you have defined a local path, click on this button to save it and add it to the 'Relative Paths' list.


Click on a path in the 'Relative Paths' list and click on this button to remove the path from the list altogether.


Click on this button to close the dialog, saving any changes to the list.


  • You can also set up a hyperlink (for an Enterprise Architect command) on a diagram to access the 'Local Paths' dialog, to switch, update or expand your current local path
  • If the act of expanding or applying a path for a linked file will create a duplicate record, the process will skip that record and display a message at the end of the process

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