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Publications and Documentation

A systems engineer, manager, or other stakeholders can use the documentation features to automatically generate a wide range of documentation directly from the models. These can be document based such as PDF and Docx format or HTML-based. You can use flexible templates to completely tailor the generated documents, including company logos, tables of content, tables of element information, and diagrams. The success of a systems engineering project and, ultimately the entire engineering practice will depend on how well you communicate with stakeholders. Many stakeholders will be content to view systems models, including lists, diagrams, and matrices, directly in the repository. Still, others will want or require by contract, electronic, or printed documentation delivered to them. You can use the documentation generator to create high-quality corporate publications automatically from the repository. This includes a wide range of standard publications such as the Operation Concept document, Functional Architecture, Requirements Specification, and more.  Modelers can also create Ad-hoc reports from tools such as the Glossary and the Search Window.