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Define a Structured Tagged Value

If you want to define a property that has a number of components, such as an address, you can use a Structured Tagged Value. This consists of a set of related simple Tagged Values in a sequence that together define the property. For example, the Structured Tagged Value for the street address has the component Tagged Values:

PropertyNo - 448

Street - My Street

Town - Creswick

AreaCode - 3363

When you initially display this in the Properties window or tags compartment of an element, the values of the tags are displayed in a string, such as:

448, My Street, Creswick, 3363

You can then expand the Structured Tagged Value to list the component tag names and values.

You create a Structured Tagged Value in a profile, using an unstereotyped Class. Any attribute owned by a Stereotype element in the profile that is typed by such a Class will define the Structured Tagged Value.

Create a Structured Tagged Value Class



See also


In your Profile Package, open the child Class diagram.

Create a Profile Package


In the Toolbox, locate and select the 'Class' page.

Diagram Toolbox


Drag a Class item from the Toolbox onto the diagram.

If the 'Properties' dialog does not display, double-click on the element on the diagram.


In the 'Name' field, type the name of the new Class element.


Click on the 'Details' tab and on the Attributes button.

The Features window displays, showing the 'Attributes' page.


In the 'Name' field, type the name of the Structured Tag attribute (for example, PropertyNo).


In the 'Type' field, click on the drop-down arrow and select the appropriate type (such as 'int' or 'string').


Click on the New Attribute text, and repeat steps 6 to 8 for each remaining component tag attribute (for example: Street, Town, AreaCode).


When you have defined all the component tags, click on the Stereotype element; the Features window displays at the 'Attributes' page, for the Stereotype.


In the 'Name' field type a name for the attribute (for example: 'HomeAddress').


In the 'Type' field click on the Browse. button and select the name of the Structured Tagged Value Class element from the 'Select <Item>' dialog, as the attribute's classifier.

You have now generated the components of the Structured Tagged Value to be maintained in the Properties window for any element derived from this part of the profile.


Continue defining the profile, then save the diagram or Package as a profile and either export it for use or add it to an MDG Technology file.

Export a Profile Create MDG Technology File


A UML Profile diagram that defines a stereotype with structured tagged values, in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

These elements, when imported into a model as a Profile, define a 'Person' stereotype that can be applied to Class elements.  This stereotype allows you to enter home and business address details as Structured Tagged Values, in elements to which the stereotype is applied.

A UML Class diagram showing use of a stereotype with structured Tagged Values in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.


  • The process of applying a Structured Tagged Value through a profile is an alternative to applying the Tagged Value through an Add-In broadcast; see the Learn more topics
  • The Tagged Values that make up a Structured Tagged Value must be simple; Memo Tagged Values cannot be incorporated in a Structured Tagged Value

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