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Define Child Diagram Type
If you define a stereotyped element type as being a composite, its child diagram type is initially the same as the default for the Metaclass element you extend. You can change the diagram type to any other of the inbuilt UML or Extended types, or to any of your own Custom diagram types, using the _defaultDiagramType special attribute. As the diagram type defaults from the Metaclass element, you set the attribute on that Metaclass element (and not the Stereotype element) to change the default.
You identify the child diagram type in the 'Initial Value' field for the attribute. The actual values for the inbuilt UML and Extended diagram types are listed in the Initial Values section. If you want to set a Custom diagram type, you prefix the diagram type name with the diagram profile name and '::'. The diagram profile name is the name given to the profile when you save it, which by default is the name of the Profile Package or Profile diagram. We recommend that the diagram profile name is based on the technology name. You can also use the _defaultDiagramType attribute for Packages, extending the Package Metaclass element.
These examples show a «BusinessProcess» Activity that, when made a composite element, automatically creates an Analysis diagram, and a «block» stereotype that creates a SysML InternalBlock Custom diagram.

Initial Values
These strings can be used in the 'Initial Value' field for _defaultDiagramType, to identify the inbuilt UML and Extended diagram types:
- UML Behavioral::Use Case
- UML Behavioral::Activity
- UML Behavioral::StateMachine
- UML Behavioral::Communication
- UML Behavioral::Sequence
- UML Behavioral::Timing
- UML Behavioral::Interaction Overview
- UML Structural::Package
- UML Structural::Class
- UML Structural::Object
- UML Structural::Composite Structure
- UML Structural::Component
- UML Structural::Deployment
- Extended::Custom
- Extended::Requirements
- Extended::Maintenance
- Extended::Analysis
- Extended::User Interface
- Extended::Data Modeling
- Extended::ModelDocument.
- Although we recommend that the diagram profile name for Custom diagram types is based on the technology name, the attribute prefix is not a direct reference to the technology name