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Create Stereotypes Extending non-UML Objects

A Profile is typically defined by extending core UML object types to create your own modeling language or technology; however, you can also extend non-UML objects defined by another existing technology such as ArchiMate, BPMN, or SysML.

Extending a non-UML object allows inheritance of properties from the existing stereotype, namely:

  • Tagged Values
  • Shape Scripts
  • Stereotype colors and
  • Metatype properties

Create a Stereotype extending a non-UML Object



See also


In the Browser window, locate the Package with the <<profile>> Stereotype and open its child diagram.

If you do not have an existing <<profile>> Package, use the 'Management | MDG Technology Builder' option in the Model Builder to create a new technology, then open the diagram from the newly created <<profile>> Package.

Using the Profile Helpers


Drag the 'Metaclass' icon from the 'Profile' page of the Diagram Toolbox onto the diagram.

The 'Extend Metaclass' dialog displays.

Profile Toolbox


Select the 'Stereotypes' tab.


From the drop-down list, select the Profile to extend (for example, 'SysML1.4') and select the checkbox next to the non-UML Stereotype to extend (for example, 'Block').

Click on the OK button.

The appropriate Stereotype element is added to the Profile diagram.


Add a new Stereotype by dragging the 'Add Stereotype Profile Helper' from the Diagram Toolbox.

This will be the custom Stereotype that extends the non-UML type added to the diagram in step 4.

When you have finished, the Stereotype element and Metaclass element are displayed on the Profile diagram.

Add Stereotypes and Metaclasses using Profile Helpers


Draw a Generalize connector from the custom Stereotype added in step 5 to the non-UML Stereotype element added in step 4.


Save the diagram as a Profile.

Export a Profile


Define a Toolbox Profile that has items for each of your Stereotypes.

Create Toolbox Profiles using the Profile Helpers


Incorporate the saved Profiles into an MDG Technology.

Create MDG Technology File

Example Stereotype Profile

This example shows a Stereotype Profile that defines the stereotype <<hardwareBlock>>. The <<hardwareBlock>> stereotype has a generalization relationship with SysML Block, from the SysML MDG Technology. This means that anywhere a SysML Block is allowed to be used a hardwareBlock can be used instead.

Stereotyped profile, a Block extends a SysML Block in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect.

This example shows how a toolbox can allow a hardwareBlock to be created. Note that the extension is always the UML type the original stereotype extends. It is never a reference to a stereotype.


  • When using a Shape Script to customize the Stereotype's appearance you can use the drawparentshape() method to render the shape that is defined for the non-UML object being extended
  • If you are adding any of the Metaclass element attributes to your stereotype, or if you want to use the Profile Helper to create a toolbox profile, your stereotype Class must extend a metaclass as well as specialize a stereotype

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