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Register Packages and Files as Assets

Having set up your Storages in the Reusable Asset Service Registry, you can register Packages of modeling structures as selected in the Browser window in your current model. These Packages can include diagrams and subordinate Packages, as well as files.

You can also create an Asset that purely contains files, by not selecting a Package, but just selecting a file. See the section Register File as Asset in this topic.

Register Packages and Files as Assets



See also


In the Reusable Asset Service view, select the appropriate Registry and Storage.

Set Up the Asset Service


In the Browser window, click on the Package to register as an Asset.


On the 'Registry Browser' tab, click on the Register button.

If the Storage is password protected, a prompt displays for your 'Complete Access' password. Type this in and click on the OK button.

Set Up the Asset Service


The 'Register Package(s)' dialog displays, showing the:

  • Name and type of the Storage
  • Name and status of the selected Package (the status at this point being 'Pending')
  • The name, GUID and current version of the selected Package; you can type a different version number or text string if necessary

If there is a version of the Package already in the Registry, and the Storage has 'Draft' status, you can either:

  • Overwrite the registered Package with an update of that version, or
  • Add the updated Package as another Asset under a different version number; in this case, the 'Packages to Register' panel shows the version number, registration date and comments on the latest version of the Asset Package

You cannot overwrite an existing Package if the Storage has 'Complete' status. In this case, add the Package under a different version number.


In the 'Comments' field type a short comment and, in the 'Notes' field, a longer explanation of the Package being registered.


Click on the Check Dependency button and resolve the dependencies of the Package.

At the end of this process, the selected Package has the status 'Ready' (for registration).

Check Package Dependencies


You can, at this point, also register files as assets of the Storage. See Step 4 of the next table, Register File as Asset.

However, if you prefer you can follow the complete procedure separate from registering Packages.


Click on the Register button.

A prompt displays to confirm registering the Package. Click on the Yes button.

If the same version of the selected Package already exists in the Registry (if the Storage is a 'Draft') a prompt displays to confirm overwriting it. Click on the Yes button.

A progress dialog displays. If the Package does not have any associated MDG Technologies, a message displays confirming that Package registration is complete. Go to step 10.


If the Package has one or more associated MDG Technologies, the 'Register MDG Technology' dialog displays, listing the Technologies and prompting you to register (OK) or ignore all of them.

If you want to register some Technologies but not others, click on those you do not want to register, and click on the Remove button for each one in turn.

Click on the OK button or Ignore button.

A message displays confirming that Package and Technology registration is complete.


  • If a remote Technology is removed from registration (that is, the Technology is not registered along with the Package), the registered Package will refer to this Technology at its URL
    When importing the Package from Registry, the system will import this remote Technology from its URL (if the remote Technology is not already available in the importing model)
  • If a remote Technology is registered with the Package being registered, the system will store a copy of the Technology file in the Registry
    When importing the Package from Registry, the system will import the Technology stored in the Registry and will not import it from its URL (if the remote Technology is not already available in the importing model)
Access Remote MDG Technologies


Click on the OK button.

The 'Registry Browser' tab is updated with the newly-added details of the Package and any dependent Packages. You can review the details on the tabs on the lower half of the Reusable Asset Service view.

Browse Assets

Register File as Asset



See also


In the Reusable Asset Service view, select the appropriate Registry and Storage.

Set Up the Asset Service


On the 'Registry Browser' tab, click on the Register button.

If the Storage is password-protected, a prompt displays for your 'Complete Access' password. Type this in and click on the OK button.

The 'Register Package(s)' dialog displays.


If any Packages are listed in the 'Packages to Register' panel, and you do not want to re-register them, clear the checkbox against each Package name.


Click on the Additional Files button.

The 'Select Additional Files' dialog displays.


Click on the Add button.

A 'Select' screen displays, on which you browse for and click on the required file. You can only select one file at a time on this browser.


Click on the Open button.

The 'Add Comment' dialog displays.


Type a brief comment on the nature or purpose of the file in the Registry, and click on the OK button.

Focus returns to the 'Select Additional Files' dialog, which now lists the selected file.


Repeat steps 5-7 for each Asset file to register.

When you have finished, click on the OK button.

The 'Register Package(s)' dialog redisplays.


Click on the Register button.

A prompt displays to confirm registration of the files.


Click on the Yes button.

A 'Progress' dialog displays while the files are registered, followed by a message confirming that the (Package and) File registration is complete.


Click on the OK button to clear the message, and to return focus to the Reusable Asset Service view.

You can review the files on the 'Storage Files' tab in the lower half of the view.

Browse Assets Storage Files