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Reuseable Asset Service (RAS)

Within a large organization, groups of users can be separated by geographical distance and be on different networks. This can make it difficult to share common data, standards and modeling structures, without the complexity of using external Version Control tools or manually distributing XMI files between projects. Enterprise Architect supports a Reusable Asset Service (RAS) that provides a simple and convenient mechanism for modelers to distribute or download reusable model structures, information, as well as corporate directives and standards. The shared repository is accessible via a Pro Cloud Server connection, making it accessible for distributed teams. The person who sets up the reusable data can retain governance of the resource or asset, whilst users of the service can easily review the currency of the information and download the latest versions into their models or file folders.

The RAS gives distributed teams convenient access to a single 'source of truth' for shared data, including project milestones, architectural frameworks and industry standards.

Reusable Assets

A Reusable Asset Storage is contained in a Pro Cloud Server repository.

Reusable Assets can consist of:

  • Packages containing elements, diagrams and structures (as drawn from any point within the Browser window), and
  • Learning Center topics
  • Files in a range of text, code and graphic formats, including .qea and .eap files

An asset can be, for example:

  • A common Class library or framework
  • The Baselines for a set of Packages or of the whole model
  • A set of common Requirements or Use Cases
  • A draft specification document
  • Marketing collateral

Storage Structure and Use

A Reusable Assets registry contains any number of Storages, which can either be left unprotected for any user to create, or change-restricted by an Administrator password. Each Storage can contain any number of Asset Packages holding modeling structures, and files containing textual or graphical information and data. When a user creates a Storage, they can protect the contents from being updated in the Registry or downloaded into a model, using password protection defined by that user.

For each Package, the RAS automatically identifies the:

  • Version of the Package held in the registry
  • Diagrams and elements (including child Package elements) contained by the Asset Package
  • Dependencies on parent Packages of any external elements that the Asset Package references
  • Dependencies on MDG Technologies


Here is an overview of the features available in the RAS.



See also

Register Assets

The assets that can be created include:

  • Packages - including diagrams and subordinate Packages
  • Baseline Packages
  • Files
  • Learning Center contents.
Register Assets Manage Baselines

Browse Assets

Any user, regardless of password protection, can freely browse and identify the contents of a Package held in a Storage - including displaying the diagrams - without importing the material into a model.

Browse Assets

Import Content

Any user with access to the Pro Cloud Server repository and a password (if required), can import an Asset into their repository.

Import an Asset into the Model


Any dependencies within a stored Package are viewable, providing a quick means to visually see what the Asset requires.

Package Dependencies

View Diagrams

Any diagrams set in an Asset are logged and can be viewed providing a quick means to check and visually compare the Asset diagrams against updates to diagrams in the current model.

Package Dependencies


Where a user that has imported an Asset Package into their model, they can compare their model Package against any version of the Asset Package, to check for and assess any differences between them.

Compare an Asset to the Model

Required Technologies

For a Package Asset that has specific Technologies these are displayed for clarification of what is required on importing the Asset.

Package Technologies


Reviews and comments can be posted against a Package.

Add Review Comments

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