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Well-formedness rules are applied to check whether or not an element, relationship, feature or diagram is well-formed. For example, whether the target item is a valid UML item, or whether a diagram contains valid elements within it.

Reported violations

Violation ID


See also


«Element» is not a valid UML Element

Error: The element is not a recognized UML 2.5 element.


«Relationship» is not a valid UML Relationship

Error: The relationship is not a recognized UML 2.5 relationship.


«Relationship» is not legal for «Start Element» --> «End Element»

Error: The relationship between the given start and end elements is not valid for those elements.


«Parent Element»:isLeaf=true and cannot be generalized by «Child Element»

Error: The Generalization relationship cannot exist between parent and child elements because the parent element is defined as a leaf element.


«Child Element»:isRoot=true and cannot generalize «Parent Element»

Error: The Generalization relationship cannot exist between parent and child elements because the child element is defined as a root element.


«Element» cannot generalize self

Error: The element cannot be self-generalized.


Statechart violation: «extended information»

Error: The State diagram contains a UML violation; «extended information» provides more details on the specific violation.


Sequence Violation: «extended information»

Error: The Sequence diagram contains a violation, «extended information» provides more details about the specific violation.

(This rule validates operations being called by Messages - as selected from the drop down combo box of the 'Messages Properties' dialog - and will report a violation if the operation does not belong to the Lifeline.)


«Requirement» Not realized

Error: A Requirement element must be at the target end of a Realization, Association (including Aggregation and Composition) or Generalization connector.

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