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Appearance Panel

The 'Appearance panel helps you to define the look and feel of Enterprise Architect, setting preferences that change the style of the interface to suit the work role you are performing. There is a wide range of preferences you can set to tailor the way the application behaves under your login, including setting colors, fonts and diagram styles. You can also select options to display the interface in full-screen mode and in one of several visual styles, and you can temporarily hide or display selected sections of the interface.

Available Facilities



See also


Click on the drop-down arrow to display options for:

  • Opening the 'Preferences' dialog on which you can set the general options of Enterprise Architect; you can control how the system behaves when you open a project, including setting the home directories and web pages the project refers to and how the Browser window responds when items are selected in it
  • Displaying the Diagram Toolbar at the top of every diagram you open in the model
  • Making toolbar icons larger and more visible both in the Toolbar ribbon and at the top of each dockable window, with immediate effect
  • Opening the 'Toolbars' tab of the 'Customize' dialog to set which Toolbars to automatically display in the Toolbar ribbon
  • Opening the 'Customization' dialog ('Other Options') to tailor other user controls, such as additional key combinations for accessing Enterprise Architect dialogs and facilities, and external tools to link to from within Enterprise Architect
User Preferences Customize Dialog

Full Screen

Click on this icon to toggle Enterprise Architect in and out of 'Full Screen' mode.

Visual Style

Displays the 'Application Look' dialog, on which you can select from a range of visual styles, themes and accent colors. You can also choose options such as displaying window tabs at the top or bottom of the windows and displaying element properties using tree or list style displays.

Visual Styles


When you click on the drop-down arrow, this icon displays a menu of four options for managing what segments of the screen are displayed and how they are displayed.

The 'Manage Views' option has these sub-options:

  • Float View - display the current View as a floating window, allowing it to be displayed in 'Full Screen' mode or to be moved to a different display monitor
  • Focus View - set the input focus back to the View that last had focus (intended to be accessed via the command shortcut keys Ctrl+Shift+0)
  • Reload View - load the latest information from the model database, to update the display of the current View
  • Close View - lose the current View; you will be prompted to save any unsaved modifications
  • Close All Except Current - close all Views except the current view; you will be prompted to save any unsaved modifications
  • Close All - close all Views; you will be prompted to save any unsaved modifications
  • Save All Modified Views - for every View that is currently open, save to the model database any modifications to the appearance of the View; these include modifications such as changes to color, size or position
  • Auto Hide Active Window - auto hide the currently active window
  • Auto Hide All Docked Windows - auto hide all open and docked windows
  • Close Active Window - close the currently active window

The 'Show Start Page' option simply shows or hides the Start Page; this setting persists through shut down and restart, until you specifically change the option.

The 'Show All Ribbons' option refreshes the display of ribbons to show all of them, revealing any hidden by using a Custom Ribbon Set.

The 'Always on Top' option forces the main Enterprise Architect window to be on top of all other windows.