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Using Multiple Configurations

The Sparx Systems Pro Cloud Server can be run multiple times with different configurations by passing command line arguments.

The Pro Cloud Server executable can be run as either a standalone executable or a Windows service.  By default the Pro Cloud Server installer will create a Windows service that does not specify any arguments (which forces the Pro Cloud Server to uses the default settings).

Command line arguments



--config / -c

The argument following this will be interpreted as the filename of the configuration file to read on start up. This allows a secondary instance of the Cloud server to run on a different set of Ports, using an altered logging level or different directories.

When multiple configurations are being used, you must ensure that each instance reads a configuration file that specifies different paths. Otherwise only the first instance will start successfully.

By default this references SSProCloud.config in the directory containing the service executable.

Note: this parameter should NOT include a path, only the filename. That is:

SSProCloud.exe standalone -c mypcsconfig.config

--path / -p

The argument following this will be interpreted as the absolute path to search for other resources. Changing this parameter changes where the configuration file is read from, along with all paths in the configuration file that specify %SERVICE_PATH%. Setting this to a directory other than the default is an easy way to separate multiple running instances of the Cloud service.

--registry / -r

The argument following this will be interpreted as a registry path within HKEY_CURRENT_USER, where the models provided by the Cloud server are specified. Changing this parameter allows the use of different Cloud servers to provide access to different models.

By default this is:      HKCU\Software\Sparx Systems\SQLBridge


This argument allows starting the SSProCloud.exe as a standalone executable instead of requiring it to be launched as a Windows service.

This can be important if the Windows firewall is blocking the service, as it will prompt to create a firewall exception.

Additionally, Wine by default closes services automatically when the last user process closes, but using the 'standalone' argument to run the server as an application will ensure that the service isn't terminated when there are any clients connected. Use the command line:

     wine SSProCloud.exe standalone

Or, if you are launching from a terminal and want to close it:

     wine SSProCloud.exe standalone & disown     or

     nohup wine SSProCloud.exe standalone

(The 'disown' parameter and 'nohup' command both close the terminal but ignore the 'hangup' message that would otherwise disconnect Pro Cloud Server again.)

Additional Windows Services

It is possible to create additional Pro Cloud Server Windows services that run independently of one another and use different configurations.  Special care needs to be taken to ensure the correct syntax is specified when creating an additional Pro Cloud Server instance. 

For example to create a second Windows service that has a '2' appended to the default names/folders, perform these steps.


Copy the entire contents of  'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server\'  to a new folder of  'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server2\'


Edit the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server2\SSProCloud.config' file and adjust the list of ports that this instance of the PCS should listen to.


Open REGEDIT, and navigate to   HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Sparx Systems\SQLBridge


Clone the 'SQLBridge' node (and all children) to SQLBridge2'


To apply a description to the newly created Windows service, execute this command:

C:\>  sc description "Sparx Systems Professional Cloud 2" "Sparx Systems Professional Cloud 2"


Open a terminal windows and enter this command:

C:\>  sc create "Sparx Systems Professional Cloud 2" binpath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server2\Service\SSProCloud.exe\" -p \"C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server2\Service\" --registry \"Software\Sparx Systems\SQLBridge2\"" start= auto DisplayName= "Sparx Systems Professional Cloud 2"

This will define a new Windows service called  Sparx Systems Professional Cloud 2 and instruct it to use the 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Sparx Systems\Pro Cloud Server2\Service\' folder as the base location and 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sparx Systems\SQLBridge' as the registry hive.