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Manage Allocations

The Manage License Token Allocations screen is displayed when you click on the Manage Allocations button on the Pro Cloud Server License Manager screen. This screen allows you to control how tokens are consumed to enable Pro Feature functionality.

Note: The Manage Allocations button is only visible when the Pro Cloud Server has a loaded Token-based license.

The Manage Allocations screen is broken up into three sections: a Summary of token usage, Explicit Allocations, and Allocations of tokens that are shared for Web Access.

Token Summary

The token summary shows:

  • Total - The total number of tokens based on the active license(s)
  • Explicit - The number of explicit token allocations, which refers to tokens that have been allocated to enable specific features on the server
  • Shared - The number of shared tokens that are available; these are consumed when users access features such as WebEA - when logging out, the token is returned to the shared token pool

Click on the Usage button to display a more detailed breakdown of the token allocations, including how many tokens are currently in use.

Explicit Allocations

This section allows you to enable Integration Plug-ins for your Pro Cloud Server. Enabling integration with a specific product (such as Jira) consumes one token.

Shared for Web Access

WebEA, Prolaborate and OSLC users consume a single token with every logon. For most environments these allocations can be left with their default values (0 reserved and no maximum). In this case all users are accessing a single shared pool of tokens, regardless of what type of access (WebEA, Prolaborate or OSLC) they require. Alternatively, each user type can define a number of tokens that are reserved (that is, they can only be used by that type of access) as well as a maximum number.


  • A Max Allowed value of 0 implies that users are NOT allowed; that is, if WebEA's Max Allowed value was set to 0, the Pro Cloud Server would deny all WebEA user requests to logon
  • An empty value for Max Allowed implies there is no limit on the number of users, although the total number of users is still limited to the number of available tokens
  • Using WebEA's 'Logout' option will immediately return the token; however, if the web browser is closed without using 'Logout' then the token will be returned after 30 minutes of inactivity.

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