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Synchronize Replicas - QEA

The process of synchronizing replicas to a master involves merging the changes made to each replica with the changes in the master repository. This updates each replica with all the changes ready for distribution.



Settings > Model > Transfer > Replication > QEA Replication > Synchronize Replicas...

Synchronize replicas




Open the master repository file.


Select the 'Synchronize Replicas...' option.


In the file selection dialog, locate and select the required replica repository to merge with the master repository.


Where there are no conflicts, in that changes are on separate items in each repository, then the replication will finish with the dialog:


Where there are conflicts occurring due to a change on the same item in the master and in the replica, for example, an Element's name is changed in both, then the Resolve conflict dialog is opened for user interaction in resolving the conflict(s).

For more details see the Resolve Conflicts - QEA Help topic.


The details on the number of updates on each side are listed in the System Output window:


  • Information is copied both ways, including deletes, updates and inserts; both projects end up containing identical information
  • If this process generates 'conflicting changes' errors, you should review and, if necessary, resolve these conflicts
  • In the Corporate, Unified and Ultimate Editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have 'Manage Replicas' permission to create a replica

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