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Add a Risk

A Risk is a condition that could cause the disruption, loss or compromise of a system. It can refer to either technical or business risks.

Within an element, you can create a record for each risk that you want to record against the element.

Add a Risk Record

Display the properties of the element to which you want to add the risk record, and click on the 'Add New' button. A menu displays offering options to add various features to the element.  Select the 'Add risk' option. The 'Add risk to <element name>' dialog displays.

Mandatory fields on the dialog are indicated by a red asterisk (*).

Complete the fields as directed here.



See also


Type an appropriate and meaningful name for the new risk.


Type in the risk type.


Defaults to 1. Click on the up and down arrows to set a different weighting on the risk. There is no limit to the value that you can set, but within Enterprise Architect the usual value is a small number between, say, 1.0 (normal) and 5.0 (heavily weighted).


Type in a description of the risk, what it is and what the mitigation might be.

You can format this text using the facilities provided in the Notes toolbar. These are:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Numbered list
  • Bulleted list
  • Superscript text
  • Subscript text
  • Set color of selected text


Click on this button to submit the details and create the risk record on the selected element.

This message is displayed:

    Risk <name> was successfully added to <element name>.


  • Work through the fields again, defining another new risk on this element, or
  • Click on the Close button to close the dialog

Add & Close

Click on this button to add the Risk item (as described above) and also Close the dialog.


Click on this button to close the dialog.

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