Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Elements Tab

The Elements tab of the diagram Properties dialog enables you to define what components of the elements should be displayed on the diagram.



Use to

Use Stereotype Icons

For elements that have whole shapes drawn by Enterprise Architect (such as Analysis stereotypes), draw the alternative shape (if defined).

For elements that have an icon displayed in the top right corner, (such as an Artifact element) if Show Element Stereotypes is selected, display the stereotype icon instead of the stereotype text.

Show Element Stereotypes

For elements that have whole shapes drawn by Enterprise Architect, if Use Stereotype Icons is deselected, display any stereotype on the element.

For elements that have an icon displayed in the top right corner, indicate that a stereotype is present (icon if Use Stereotype Icons is selected, text if not).

Show Table Owner

Display the Table Owner. For more information, see the Set Table Owner topic.

Show Element Property String

Show the advanced property string for all elements; for example, {leaf}.

Show Compartments

Enable the following compartments to be shown or hidden for any element using rectangle notation: