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Attributes Dialog - Detail

To define additional details relating to collections, click on the Detail tab of the Attributes dialog.



Use to



Lower bound

Define a lower limit to the number of elements allowed in the collection.

Upper bound

Define an upper limit to the number of elements allowed in the collection.

Allow Duplicates

Indicate that duplicates are allowed.

Maps to the UML property isUnique, value FALSE).

Ordered Multiplicity

Indicate that the collection is ordered.

Redefined Property

Review the redefined properties for the attribute.

Add redefined properties by clicking on the Add button to display the Select Property dialog.

Subsetted Property

Review the subsetted properties for the attribute.

Add subsetted properties by clicking on the Add button to display the Select Property dialog.


Code the attribute as an array, so that it can contain multiple concurrent values rather than a single value.

Attribute is a Collection

Indicate that the attribute is a collection (array).

Container Type

Enter the name of the container type.




(For Java code) indicate that the attribute can change regardless of what the code is performing.


Click on this button to add Qualifiers to the attribute, The  Qualifiers dialog displays.

When you have completed these fields, click on the Save button.