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State Group

The State group is used by State Machine diagrams to show the enableable states a Class or element might be in and the transitions from one state to another. These diagrams are often placed under a Class element in the Project Browser to illustrate how a particular element changes over time.


The State group provides elements common to State Machine diagrams; basically the State, start and end nodes and the Object Flow relation. State Machine diagrams are used to model the states or conditions that elements might be in at runtime, such as active, inactive, idle, accelerating or braking. States can have substates; for example, accelerate or brake might be substates of active.

To add an element to the current diagram, click on the required icon and drag it into position on the diagram. Set an element name and other properties as prompted.

To add a relationship, click on the required icon, then click on the start element in the diagram and drag to the end element.