Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

SQL Server Repository

This topic describes how to create a SQL Server repository.


  • This feature is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions.
  • Before starting, you must have SQL Server and MDAC 2.6 or higher installed, and the appropriate permission to create a new database. The process of setting up SQL Server is beyond the scope of this User Guide; please consult your SQL Server documentation for further guidance.

Sparx Systems provides SQL scripts to create the required Enterprise Architect repository tables, on the Sparx Systems website. You can execute the scripts in any way you prefer.

Create a SQL Server Repository

To use SQL Enterprise Manager to create a SQL Server repository, follow the steps below:

  1. In SQL Enterprise Manager, locate the server on which to create your new Enterprise Architect model; in the example below this is DBSERVER02\SQLEXPRESS.
  2. Right-click and choose the New Database context menu option.
  3. Enter a suitable name for the database. Set any file options as required.


Ensure that the database collation is case-insensitive.

  1. Click on the database to select it, then select the New Query menu option.
  2. In the Query window, use the Open File dialog to locate the supplied Enterprise Architect SQL Server Model script file.
  3. Click on the Open button. Check that you have selected the correct database to run the script in. In this example the tables are being added to the ea_sqlserver database as shown in the drop-down menu below.
  4. Click on the Execute button; SQL Server executes the script, which creates the base model for an Enterprise Architect project.

SQL Server repositories are created without any data, so you must perform a project data transfer in Enterprise Architect to copy a suitable starter project. If you are starting from scratch, EABase.EAP is a good starting point. If you are using an existing .EAP model, you can upsize it.