Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Team Review Context Menu

The Team Review context menu enables you to access the following functions.


Use to

New Category
New Topic
New Post

Add a new Category, new Topic or new Post to the Team Review.

Alternatively, for a Topic or Post, click on the New icon in the window toolbar.

New Category From Template
New Topic from Template
New Post from Template

Add a new Category, new Topic or new Post, based on a defined template.

Post Reply

Create a reply to the selected Post.

Alternatively, click on the New icon in the window toolbar.

Rename  [F2]

Edit the name, in situ, of the currently-selected item.

Copy Path to Clipboard

Copy the path of the currently-selected item to the clipboard.

Show Contents

Display the description or text of the selected item in the Team Review window, if the Team Review tab is not yet open.

Share Resource

(If anything other than a Resources folder is selected.)

Add a package from the current model, or an image of the currently-displayed diagram, or an image from the clipboard, to the Resources folder under the selected Category, Topic or Post. If the Resources folder does not exist, this option creates it.

Add Package From Current Model

(If a Resources folder is selected.)

Export a package as an XMI file from the current model as a resource of the selected Category, Topic or Post.

You browse for and select the required package using the Select <item> dialog.

Import to Current Model

(If a package XMI file resource is selected.)

Import the resource package to the current model.

You browse for and select the required target package using the Select <item> dialog. The resource is imported as a child of that package.

This is a useful option for transferring relevant packages from the Team Review of one model into another model.

Add Image of Active Diagram

(If a Resources folder is selected.)

Add an image of the currently-displayed diagram as a resource of the selected Category, Topic or Post.

You are prompted to provide a reference name for this image.

Add Active Profiler Report

(If a Resources folder is selected.)

Add an active Profiler Report as a resource of the selected Category, Topic or Post.

You are prompted to browse for and select the appropriate active report.

Image From Clipboard

(If a Resources folder is selected.)

Add an image held on the clipboard as a resource of the selected Category, Topic or Post.

View Image

(If a diagram image resource is selected.)

Open the View Image window, containing an image of the selected diagram.

Alternatively, double-click on the image name.

Copy Image To Clipboard

(If an image resource is selected.)

Copy the image or diagram image to the clipboard.

Refresh Category 'xyz'
Refresh Topic 'xyz'
Refresh Post 'xyz'

Refresh the currently-open Category, Topic or Post, getting new replies, Posts and Topics that other users might have created. However, if you open another Category, Topic or Post the Team Review always displays the latest information from the database.

Alternatively, click on the Refresh icon in the window toolbar.

Reload Current Connection

Reload the entire Team Review connection, getting new Categories, Posts and Topics.

Review Status

Assign or clear a status marker against the selected Category, Topic or Post. You can mark the item as:

  • Awaiting Approval
  • Approved
  • Rejected

Or clear the marker (None).


See the Mark submenu, below.


Access other Team Reviews from other Enterprise Architect models or models located on servers.

Alternatively, click on the drop-down arrow in the Connection Options field in the window toolbar, and select one of the listed models. The <Configure Connections> option enables you to add and connect to additional Team Reviews.


Change the loading behavior of the Team Review.

Delete Category <xyz>
Delete Topic <xyz>
Delete Post <xyz>
Delete Resource <xyz>

Delete this Category, Topic, Post or reply and all sub-topics and sub-posts, or delete the resource attached to the item.

The Mark Submenu

All items as Read

Mark the entire contents of the Team Review as read.

All items as Unread

Mark the entire contents of the Team Review as unread.

Branch as Read

Mark this item and all its contents as read.

Branch as Unread

Mark this item and all its contents as unread.

'xyz' as Unread

Mark only this item as unread.