Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Project Issues Tab
The Project Issues tab in the System window enables any identified issues to be recorded against the current project. Issues are raised with a description, date, owner and status.
Note: |
In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if security is enabled you must have Manage Issues permission to update and delete Issues records. |
To access this tab, select the View | Other Project Tools | System menu option or press [Alt]+[2] to display the System window, and click on the Project Issues tab.
Tip: |
You can right-click on the list and select the Print List context menu option to print out the currently displayed items. |
To add a new issue, double-click on an empty row of the Project Issues tab. To modify an issue, double-click on the required item in the list. In each case, the Issue Detail dialog displays.
You can also delete an issue and generate a report of your issues in Rich Text Format.