Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Resynchronize the Status of Version Controlled Packages
Enterprise Architect enables you to re-synchronize the version control status of version controlled packages within your project with the status reported by your version control provider. This can be useful when you give a copy of a .EAP file configured for version control to a new team member.
You can resynchronize either a single version controlled package or all version controlled packages within your project:
- For a single package, right-click on the package name in the Project Browser and select the Package Control | Re-synch Status With VC Provider menu option.
- For all version controlled packages within the project, click on the Project | Version Control | Re-synch Statuses of All Packages menu option.
For a given package, the re-synchronization process queries the corresponding version control provider to find the status of the package file associated with the version-controlled package. If necessary, the process then updates the package flags within the model database, to synchronize the package status recorded in the model with the value reported by the version control provider.
The results of the re-synchronization process are sent to the Enterprise Architect Output window, as shown below:
Double-click on any result message to select, in the Project Browser, the corresponding package.
Note: |
This process does not cause any package data to be:
If a package has been checked-out and modified with Enterprise Architect, but your version control provider reports the package file as checked-in, running this process marks the package within Enterprise Architect as being checked-in, without exporting and committing the pending changes. Subsequently checking-out the package imports the latest revision of the package file from version control, effectively discarding the uncommitted modifications from the model. Similarly, if a package file is checked-out in the version control system, but not in the Enterprise Architect model, running this process marks the package within the model as checked-out, but it does not import the associated package file from the version control system. Consequently, it is possible to check-in a package from Enterprise Architect that is potentially out of date, compared to the latest revision of the package file within the version control system. |