Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Risk Management

To enter risk details for an element, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the element in the Project Browser.
  2. Select the View | Other Element Tools | Project Management menu option. The Project Management window displays, showing the Resource Allocation tab.
  3. Click on the Risks tab.
  4. Click on the New icon on the Project Management window toolbar.

The Risks tab enables you to enter the following data:

  • A name for the risk (short description)
  • The type of risk (click on the drop-down arrow and select, or type the name in; typed names are not added to the global risk type list)
  • A weighting for the risk
  • Some notes on the risk (this text is also displayed in the Notes window; it cannot be edited in that window).

To edit existing risk items for this element, click on the required item in the:

  • list panel to the left of the window, in Item mode
  • list, in List mode, or
  • Project Management folder in the Element Browser window; if this window is not displayed, click on the EBIcon icon in the Project Management window toolbar. Risk item icons have an Ri in the bottom right corner.

To change the element to which to allocate resources, select the required element in the Project Browser.


Although Enterprise Architect does not currently provide detailed reports on risks within a model, you can use the Automation Interface or similar tools to create your own custom reports based on risk information you enter.