Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Project Version Control Menu

You access the Version Control menu through the Project | Version Control menu option. It provides the following options:

Menu Option & Function Keys

Use to

Configure Current Package

Display the Package Control Options dialog, which enables you to specify whether this package (and its children) is version controlled, and which version control configuration applies.

Version Control Settings

Display the Version Control Settings dialog.

Validate Package Configurations

Test the validity of the version control settings associated with each version controlled package within your current model.

Re-Synch Statuses of All Packages

Resynchronize the version control status of packages as recorded in your Enterprise Architect project when they are out of synchronization with the version control status reported by your version control provider.

The function acts on all version controlled packages within the Enterprise Architect project, updating the values recorded in the project to match the values reported by the version control provider, without performing any XMI import or export.

Work Offline

Work independently of the version control server, if it is unavailable to you.