Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Move or Copy Tests Between Categories

When you define a test on the Unit, Integration, System, Acceptance or Scenario tab of the Testing window, you might decide that the test either is better suited to another category of tests, or forms a good template for tests in other categories. Enterprise Architect enables you to move or copy tests between categories.

To move or copy a test, follow the steps below:

  1. Open either:
  • The Testing window, and the tab that contains the test you want to move or copy, or
  • The Testing folder of the Element Browser window.
  1. Right-click on the required test item in the list. The item context menu displays.
  2. Click on the appropriate option - Move to or Copy to. A list of test categories displays.
  3. Click on the test category to which to move or copy the test. A confirmatory prompt displays.


If you move or copy a test into the Scenario category, some unassociated data could be lost.

  1. Click on the Yes button to confirm the move or copy.
  2. Click on the target tab of the Testing window to ensure that the test has been added, and make any required changes.