Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
MDG Events
An MDG Add-In must respond to all MDG Events. These events usually identify processes such as Build, Run, Synchronize, PreMerge and PostMerge, amongst others.
An MDG Link Add-In is expected to implement some form of forward and reverse engineering capability within Enterprise Architect, and as such requires access to a specific set of events, all to do with generation, synchronization and general processes concerned with converting models to code and code to models.
Topic |
Link |
MDG_BuildProject |
MDG_Connect |
MDG_Disconnect |
MDG_GetConnectedPackages |
MDG_GetProperty |
MDG_Merge |
MDG_NewClass |
MDG_PostGenerate |
MDG_PostMerge |
MDG_PreGenerate |
MDG_PreMerge |
MDG_PreReverse |
MDG_RunExe |
MDG_View |
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