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Scale Image to Page Size

When you print a diagram, the default setting is to scale the image to fit the size of the printer paper you have defined in the page set-up. The image is not scaled up to fill the page, but it is scaled down if it exceeds the current page boundary. The image retains its current proportions; that is, it is scaled down equally in the X and Y dimensions. For a large diagram, this can mean that the components of the diagram are small and hard to read.

Alternatively, you can print a multi-page image; that is:

  • allow the diagram image to print on as many printer pages as it naturally occupies, (no scaling), or
  • scale the diagram image to exactly fit a specified number of pages

In all three cases you also define the paper size and orientation.

How to:

To turn off or customize image scaling options, follow the steps below:



See Also


Select the diagram to scale




  • Double-click on the diagram background, or
  • Right-click on the background and select the Properties context menu option

The <type> Diagram: <name> dialog displays



Click on the Diagram tab and, in the Page Setup panel click on the Advanced button

The Print Advanced dialog displays

Page size and Alignment


Select from the following options as required:

  • None: select to print on as many pages as the diagram image covers
  • Scale to 1 page: select to scale the diagram image to fit on the currently selected page
  • Custom: select to specify the width and height of the diagram images across a specified number of pages
  • Page Setup: click to select the page size and alignment



  • Before printing, make sure you have selected the required page layout using the Page Setup button

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