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Shape Editor

The Shape Editor enables a Technology Developer to specify custom shapes via a scripting language; that is, to create Shape Scripts. These custom shapes are drawn instead of the standard UML notation. Each script is associated with a particular Stereotype, and is drawn for every element of that stereotype.

Access:     Settings | UML Types > Stereotypes : Assign

Use to:

  • Create a custom shape




See also


The format in which the script is written.



Opens a Windows browser dialog, allowing for a script file to be loaded.



Opens a Windows browser dialog, allowing for a script file to be saved.


Edit window

The area in which a script can be written.


Preview of main

A visual representation of the compiled script. Nothing displays until the Refresh button is clicked.


Next Shape

If a composite shape is defined within the Edit Window, clicking on the Next Shape button pages through the components of the shape.



Parses your script and produces a visual example of the shape in the Preview of main window.



Exit from the Shape Editor; don't forget to save your scripts from the Stereotype tab.

Getting Started With Shape Scripts.


  • Shape Scripts adopt the same color gradient settings as normal elements, as defined in the Standard Colors page of the Options dialog
  • If an element's appearance is modified by a Shape Script, many of the Advanced context menu options for that element are disabled
  • Once you have finishing writing your Shape Script, click on the OK button. To save the Shape Script you must click on the Stereotypes tab

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