Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Create Search Definitions

User-defined searches are created using the Search Builder panel, and are stored in the Program Files directory (not in the project repository).

Access:     Edit | Model Search: Options | Manage Searches

Use to:

  • Create a search definition using the SQL Editor, Query Builder, or an Add-In Search

How to:

To create a new search definition, follow the steps below:



See also


Click on the New Search icon in the toolbar

The Create New Search Query dialog displays



In the Search Name field, type a name for the search



Select the radio button for the type of search you require:

  • Query Builder - provides an interface that enables you to design your own search
  • SQL Editor - enables advanced users to directly write SQL Select statements
  • Add-In Search - enables you to supply the name of your Add-In and a method (for example MyAddin.RunThisMethod), which is called whenever the search is run; this search can be exported and distributed as a part of your Add-In

Enterprise Architect Add-In Model


Click on the OK button, and refer to the following table


Search Types:



See also

Query Builder

Your search definition appears as being selected in the Search drop-down field

You can now click on the Add Filter toolbar icon to add filters

Add Filters

SQL Editor

The Custom SQL dialog displays, enabling you to input your SELECT statement

The SQL editor is based on the common Code Editor, and provides an intellisense autocompletion list populated with Enterprise Architect's repository structure; to display the autocompletion list, press ( Ctrl+Spacebar )

Enterprise Architect also enables you to use #xxx# macros as string replacers in WHERE statements, so that the same search can be used by different people in different environments; these macros include:

  • #WC# - Gets the appropriate wild card for the current database, and so enables the search to be performed on models on different databases; for example:
    t_object.Name LIKE '#WC#Test#WC#'
  • #Author# - Takes the value of the Author field in the Options dialog General page, and enables the defined search to be performed on objects created by that user (this value can be manually re-set in the Options dialog)
  • #DB=<DBNAME># where <DBNAME> can be one of the following:
  • JET
  • ASA

For example:
#DB=ORACLE# t_object.ModifiedDate >= (SYSDATE - INTERVAL '<Search Term>' DAY)

  • #UserName# - Gets the name of the person logged into version control; for example:
    t_package.PackageFlags LIKE '#WC#VCCFG=#WC#CheckedOutTo=#UserName##WC#'
    (this is from Enterprise Architect's built in search My Checked Out Packages)
  • #Package# - gets the currently-selected package's package_ID
  • #Branch# - gets the IDs of the child packages of the currently-selected package


For all Enterprise Architect functions in which you use a custom SQL statement (such as RTF reporting or Model Views) the statement must return the guid and type of the object found so that Enterprise Architect can search for the selected item in the Project Browser; for example:

SELECT ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, Name FROM t_object

You can extend the usability of your SQL searches using the aliases CLASSGUID and CLASSTYPE, which enable Enterprise Architect to display the Properties dialog and icon for elements, connectors, attributes or operations, as well as selecting them in the Project Browser

Some simple examples for using these aliased fields are provided below:

  • SELECT ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, Object_Type AS CLASSTYPE, Name FROM t_object
  • SELECT ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, Connector_Type AS CLASSTYPE, Name FROM t_connector
  • SELECT ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, 'Operation' AS CLASSTYPE, Name FROM t_operation
  • SELECT ea_guid AS CLASSGUID, 'Attribute' AS CLASSTYPE, Name FROM t_attribute

When you have defined the SELECT statement, click on the Save button to save this search; the search is then available from the Search drop-down list

Code Editors

Add-In Search

Type in:

  • The name of your Add-In
  • A period (full stop) and
  • The name of the method to be called (for example, MyAddin.RunThisMethod)

Your search is automatically saved and available from the Search drop-down list


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