Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Package Browser Options

You can add to or influence what information is displayed on the Package Browser by selecting the window's toolbar or context menu options.







Add a new element to the package

Ctrl + N

Add Elements Directly to Packages


Display the Notes window, to add or edit notes for the selected element

Ctrl + Space



Delete the selected element

Ctrl + D



Print the current contents of the Package Browser




Display the Generate RTF Documentation dialog, to create one RTF report on all selected element(s)


Generate RTF Documentation Diaolg



  • The appropriate element type from the drop-down list, or
  • All to list all objects

The report then lists only elements of that specific type




Select a UML, Extended or MDG Toolbox category to specify the category of elements shown in the filter list (above)




Toggle between:

  • Including child packages and their contents in the list, and
  • Showing only the first-level contents of the selected diagram or package




Toggle the display between:

  • Model Hierarchy format and
  • User-Defined, value-grouping format


List Header


Display a short menu from which you can select to:

  • Hide the contents of the Notes compartment of each element
  • Display the first few words, or
  • Display the full text




Change the display to show the contents of the parent package of the selected package




Display Help on the Package Browser



Context Menu Options:




See also


Display the Properties dialog for the selected element



Edit Notes

Add or edit notes on the element, in the Notes window

Ctrl + Space


Add New

If the Filter List field in the toolbar is set to:

  • All, display the New Element dialog, through which you create an element of the required type
  • A specific element type, add an element of that type to the package or diagram in the Package Browser and the Project Browser



Find in Diagrams


  • The diagram that uses the element or,
  • If the element is used in multiple diagrams, display the Element Usage dialog, which lists the diagrams that contain the element


Show Element Use

Find In Project Browser

Highlight the selected element in the Project Browser



Bookmark Item

Bookmark the element



Create Linked Document  

(Edit Linked Document)

Create (or edit) a Linked Document

(Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions)

Ctrl + Alt + D

Linked Documents

Link Document to UML Element

Edit Linked Documents

Delete Linked Document

(If the element has a linked document)

Delete an existing linked document




Generate an RTF report; you have two options:

  • Generate a separate report on each selected object in the report
  • Generate one report on all selected objects.

In either case, the Generate RTF Documentation dialog displays

You also have the option to print out the Package Browser list itself


Generate RTF Documentation Dialog

Sort Contents

In Model Hierarchy format, synchronize the list with the Project Browser hierarchy, to ensure that all element and package hierarchies and sequences are - if necessary - updated

Normally changes are updated automatically, but there can be delays if changes are made outside the Package Browser




Reload the list of elements to refresh the order and content with any recent changes



Add Tag Value Column

Add a column to show the values for a selected Tagged Value, for each element in the list (see below)




Print the Package Browser



Delete Selected

Delete the selected element from the Package Browser



Add Tagged Value Column:

If you want to show the value that an element has for a particular tag (and the value that any other element in the list has for that tag), you can add a read-only column for the tag. There are two ways in which to do this:



See also


Open the Tagged Values window for the element and drag the tag onto the Package Browser; a new column is added for each tag you drag onto the list.



Right-click on the element in the Package Browser and select the Add Tag Value Column context menu option; the Add Tag Value Column dialog displays

Either type the tag name into the Tag Value field, or select one of the two options:

  • Global Tag Values - populates the Tag Value drop-down list with all global Tagged Values in the project; this enables you to select a Tagged Value that is applicable to a large number of elements
  • Tag Values from the selected Element -  populates the Tag Value drop-down list with the Tagged Values defined for the selected element (as listed on the Tagged Values window for that element); this enables you to filter the initial selection to a specific set of tags

When you have selected the required tag, click on the OK button to insert a column for that tag into the Package Browser list.



  • In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, if Auditing is turned on and the Package Browser is open, you can view a history of changes to any selected element or connector, in the Audit History tab of the Output window (if security is enabled, you must have at least Audit View permissions to display the audit history)

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