Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
The Relationships Window
The Relationships window displays all connectors between an element selected from a diagram or the Project Browser, and other elements. This provides a quick overview of an element's relationships in the model.
Access: View | Relationships
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The Relationships window shows, for each connector, the:
It also has a Target in Diagram column which, if the Target element for a connector is visible in the currently loaded diagram, contains the value Yes; this is very useful when you are dragging related elements from the Relationships list onto the current diagram Adding the target element to the diagram does not change the context to that element; the originally-selected element (the subject of the Relationships window) remains in context, and you continue working with that element |
Facilities |
Double-click on a connector in the list to display the <connector type> Properties dialog, on which you can edit the connector attributes Right-click on a connector to open the context menu, which provides options to:
- In the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, Systems Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect, with security on, the diagram and the source and target elements must be free for editing before some of these options are available for use