Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Navigate, Search and Trace


This section explains how you navigate through the model structures in Enterprise Architect, locate and display specific information, and trace the origins, development and fate of the model elements. While the Project Browser provides an effective hierarchical view of the model, large models can present particular challenges, and tracing dependencies and relationships is not always a simple task. Fortunately, Enterprise Architect has a number of tools designed to meet just these requirements.




The use of the Project Browser and Package Browser to navigate and explore your model

The Project Browser

Package Browser

How Model Views provide different perspectives and 'entry points' into a model

Model Views

Diagram Slide Show

Finding elements and relationships using the Model Search tools and custom queries

Model Search

Pre-defined Searches

Traceability tools to help track completeness, dependencies and other behavioral and structural relationships

Traceability Tools

Use of the Diagram List or Package Browser to view model elements in a conventional list based manner

Diagram List

Package Browser

Use of the Relationship Matrix to understand and track relationships between model elements in a spreadsheet view

Relationship Matrix

Using Diagram Filters to highlight information in diagrams

Diagram Filters

Using the Traceability window to explore model dependencies

The Traceability Window

Finding and working with Element Relationships

The Relationships Window