Audit View Controls
The Audit View controls provide a variety of settings for controlling auditing and the display of audit records.
Load or Refresh
Click to reload the Audit Tree, updated with any new audit results
Click to search through log items for a particular area - you can search by Name, Type or GUID
The items are loaded and filtered with the current Sort By, Time Filter and Mode settings
If you refresh the Audit View, you must run the search again
Audit Settings
Click to open the Audit Settings dialog
Audit Settings
Select the appropriate radio button for the required display setting:
- Type - changes are grouped under element type (such as Class or Requirement), and then grouped under the changed element

- User - changes are grouped under user name, each with the number of changes for that user
Under each user name, changes are grouped as for the Type sort

Filter By Date/Time
Select to enable the Filter Settings button, to filter the audit results by time period
Changes that occur outside the selected filter period are not shown in the Audit View
Filter Settings
Click to display the Time Filter dialog, to set the filter time period:
- Today - to display changes occurring today
- Previous Hour - to display changes occurring in the last 60 minutes
- Previous 24 Hours - to display changes occurring in the last 24 hours
- Previous Week - to display changes occurring in the last 7 days
- Previous 30 Days - to display changes occurring in the last 30 days
- Previous Year - to display changes occurring in the last 365 days
- Custom - to define your own time period, using the From and To fields
The six pre-configured time periods automatically update when you click on the Refresh button; custom periods are static and do not automatically update
If you have set a filter period, and you deselect the Filter By Date/Time checkbox, the period remains set; the custom time period, too, is retained so that you can re-use it or modify it later if required
Status Text
Read to see which:
- Mode has been selected and
- Time filter is being applied to the data
Click to display a menu of options to change the mode of the Audit View; select:
- Standard - to automatically synchronize with the Project Browser; where changes have been made, the Audit View reflects your selection from the Project Browser - if you click on:
- An element, the Audit View displays the history for that element
- A package, the Audit View displays the history for that package and its immediate children (but not the contents of nested packages)
- A diagram, the Audit View displays the history for that diagram and its contents (which could be drawn from a wide area of the Project Browser)
- Advanced - to load large sets of log items independent of the Project Browser; in this mode, a special Audit Settings group can be displayed in the Audit Tree, which records:
- When Auditing has been enabled and disabled
- Who made the change
- The date and time of the change
- Changes to the Audit Settings
- When Audit Operations are executed
- Security changes (which can be browsed in the same way as other changes)
- Deleted - to display only deleted records, but otherwise data is shown as in Advanced mode; records can be sorted by element type or by user as required
- Raw - to display all audit records in chronological order without sorting, enabling you to see a progression of changes; this can be especially useful in determining date-time inconsistencies
Any search and filtering you define still apply, enabling you to view all of today's changes in order, or all changes for a particular element in order, or both
Additional database information is displayed; this additional information might be insignificant or only in machine-readable format
The Audit View
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