Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.
Create Custom Diagram Profiles
You can create extended diagram types in Enterprise Architect and include them in MDG Technologies. To create extended diagram types, follow the steps below:
Step |
Action |
See also |
1 |
Create a profile with the same name as the MDG Technology in which it is to be included; for example, SysML. (However, check the Note in Define Child Diagram Types.) |
2 |
Create a �stereotype� Class element that is named as the custom diagram, for example, BlockDefinition. |
3 |
Create a Class element and name it as one of the Built-In Diagram Types prefixed with Diagram_, for example Diagram_Logical for Class diagrams or Diagram_Use Case for Use Case diagrams. |
4 |
Give the Diagram_x Class the �metaclass� stereotype and draw an �extends� connector from the stereotype to the metaclass. |
5 |
In the Notes field, give the stereotype Class a brief description of what the diagram is used for. This description displays in the bottom right-hand corner of the New Diagram dialog. |
6 |
Give the Diagram_x Class the following attributes as required:
7 |
Save the diagram as a profile in the usual manner. |
8 |
Add the diagram profile to the .MTS file used in the MDG Technology. |
The following example shows the DFD diagram profile which defines a DFD diagram as an extension of the Enterprise Architect Analysis diagram.