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Standard UML Models


This topic provides an introduction to Enterprise Architect's diagrams, elements and connectors, and its modeling process.

It also illustrates its alignment to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.3, an open modeling standard, defined and maintained by the Object Management Group.



See also

The Unified Modeling Language (UML)

The UML standard defines notations and rules for specifying business and software systems; the notation supplies a rich set of graphic elements for modeling object oriented systems, and the rules state how those elements can be connected and used

UML is not a tool for creating software systems; instead, it is a visual language for communicating, modeling, specifying and defining systems

UML is not a prescriptive process for modeling software systems; it does not supply a method or process, simply the language. You can therefore use UML in a variety of ways to specify and develop your software engineering project

This language is designed to be flexible, extendable and comprehensive, yet generic enough to serve as a foundation for all system modeling requirements. With its specification, there is a wide range of elements characterized by the kinds of diagrams they serve, and the attributes they provide. All can be further specified by using stereotypes, Tagged Values and profiles.

Enterprise Architect supports many different kinds of UML elements (as well as some custom extensions); together with the connectors between elements, these form the basis of the model

UML Diagrams

UML Elements

UML Connectors

UML Stereotypes

UML Profiles

Tagged Values

Wide Range of Applications

Although initially conceived as a language for software development, UML can be used to model a wide range of real world domains and processes (in business, science, industry, education and elsewhere), organizational hierarchies, deployment maps and much more

Enterprise Architect also provides additional custom diagrams and elements, to address further modeling interests.

Modeling Basics

Extending UML for New Domains

Using UML Profiles, UML Patterns, Grammars, Data Types, Constraints, MDG Technologies and other extensions, UML and Enterprise Architect can be tailored to address a particular modeling domain not explicitly covered in the original UML specification

Enterprise Architect makes extending UML simple and straightforward and, best of all, the extension mechanism is still part of the UML Specification.

UML Profiles

UML Patterns

MDG Technologies

Recommended Reading

In addition to the UML Specification available from the OMG, two books that provide excellent introductions to UML are:

  • Schaum's Outlines: UML by Bennet, Skelton and Lunn
    Published by McGraw Hill.
    ISBN 0-07-709673-8
  • Developing Software with UML by Bern Oestereich
    Published by Addison Wesley.
    ISBN 0-201-36826-5


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