Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Order Enterprise Architect

Enterprise Architect is designed, built and published by Sparx Systems, and available through the Sparx Systems website

Free, 30-day trial version (although you can extend the evaluation period)
Registered purchase version that provides the facilities of the edition you require, as unlocked by the license keys that you purchase from Sparx Systems
The trial version of Enterprise Architect is identical to the registered version with the exception that all diagrams are output to files with an embedded watermark. The trial software stops working after the trial period has elapsed.
On purchase of a suitable license or licenses, the registered version is made available for download.
The latest information on pricing and purchasing is available on the Purchase and Pricing page of the Sparx Systems website, and from Sparx Sales.

Purchase Options

On-line using a secure credit-card transaction
Check or equivalent
Bank transfer

Learn more