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Gap Analysis Matrix

The Gap Analysis Matrix is a tool to analyze model artifacts for potential gaps in solutions.

The idea is to highlight a shortfall between the Baseline Architecture and the Target Architecture; that is, items that have been deliberately omitted, accidentally left out, or not yet defined.

Access    View | Gap Analysis Matrix



See also


The Gap Analysis Matrix is a convenient method of identifying gaps between solution architectures.

It enables you to model the gaps in the repository, which can later be addressed and assigned as tasks; the identified gaps can also be used to prioritize activities.

On the Gap Analysis Matrix, you select the:

Target Architecture package
Baseline Architecture package
Type of Target Architecture artifact
Type of Baseline Architecture artifact
Type of element to model the gap


Include Other Users' Packages


Once you open the Gap Analysis Matrix, you can:

Create, update and delete Gap Matrix Profiles to monitor development of the Baseline and Target packages
Edit Gap notes during a discussion session for Gap analysis
Create elements to address gaps
Add links to existing elements to address gaps
Remove links to existing elements modeled as gap


Edit Gap Notes

Select Package

Click on the (  ...  )  (Browse) button at the end of the Target Architecture or Baseline Architecture field.

The Browse Project dialog displays.

Select the required package and click on the OK button; by default all the elements under the package are displayed.



Set Element Type

Click on the drop-down arrow in the Filter field for the Target Architecture package, and/or for the Baseline  Architecture.

Find the required element type in the list and click on it; Enterprise Architect refreshes the matrix content.



Set Gap Type

Click on the drop-down arrow in the Record Gap As field.

Find the required element type in the list and click on it.

When you create a gap, the specified type of element is created; for example, if you  want to address the gap with an issue element then select Issue for this field.



Baseline Architecture

The Baseline Architecture artifacts are listed along the rows of the matrix.

The last row is for capturing the new elements in the target architecture along the columns but not in the baseline architecture, hence the name New.



Target Architecture

The Target Architecture artifacts are listed along the columns of the matrix.

The last column is for capturing the missing or intentionally eliminated elements in the baseline architecture along the rows but not in the target architecture; hence the name Missing / Eliminated.



Modeling Gap

Right-click on a cell in the New row or Missing / Eliminated column.

The context menu displays options to:

Create a Gap element
Add a link to an existing Gap element

If a link to Gap element already exists in the cell then the following options are displayed:

Edit Gap element
Find in Project Browser...
Remove Gap element link



Create Gap

Right-click on the cell and select the Create Gap Element context menu option.

The Browse Project dialog displays.

Select the package in which to create the Gap element and click on the OK button; a Gap element is created in the selected package and its Properties dialog displays to enable you to enter the element name and other required properties.



Link to Existing Gap

If you intend to use a Gap element that is already available in the model, right-click on the appropriate cell in the Missing / Eliminated column or New row and select the Link to Existing Gap Element context menu option.

The Select Classifier dialog displays, enabling you to select the existing Gap element.



Remove Link to Gap

If you intend to remove a link to the Gap element in a cell, right-click on the appropriate cell in the Missing / Eliminated column or New row and select the Remove Link to Gap Element context menu option.

The link is removed from the cell but the element still exists in the Project Browser.



Review Gap Element

Right-click on the appropriate cell in the Missing / Eliminated column or New row and select the Edit Gap Element context menu option.

The Properties dialog displays, enabling you to edit the selected Gap element.

To locate the element in the Project Browser select the Find in Project Browser... context menu option, which highlights the element in the Project Browser.



Gap Analysis Matrix Profiles

On the Gap Analysis Matrix, you can create and manage profiles to save commonly-used combinations of Target Architectures, Baseline Architectures and stereotypes.

To work on Gap Analysis Matrix profiles, click on the Options button in the top right corner of the matrix; a submenu displays, listing options to:

Create / Save the current matrix settings and content
Update the currently selected profile in the Profile field
Delete the currently selected profile in the Profile field



Open a saved Profile

The Profile field drop-down list shows all the saved Gap Analysis Matrix profiles.

Click on the drop-down arrow in the Profile field, find the required Profile in the list and click on it to load the content of the selected profile in the matrix.




The Gap Analysis Matrix is available in the Corporate, Business and Software Engineering, System Engineering and Ultimate editions of Enterprise Architect