Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

File Based Repositories


Having a light weight, portable, file-based repository for Enterprise Architect is ideal for those who want to quickly develop modeling suggestions and solutions and share the model information easily with others. All editions of Enterprise Architect support this type of repository in the form of .eap files in an Access database.

A default project file (EABase.eap) is supplied in the Enterprise Architect installer and is automatically stored in your Enterprise Architect installation directory. You can:

Copy the EABase.eap file as the base for your own projects
Create your own base projects as.eap files, and
Copy existing operational projects



See also

Create .EAP Project Files

Select one of:

File | New Project menu option
New Project option on the Open Enterprise Architect Project dialog, or
Create a New Project option on the Start Page


All of these options display the New Project dialog; select a directory and enter a file name for your project.

Once the project has been saved, the Model Wizard displays, which makes a selection of Model Patterns available; select the Model Patterns to use.

Enterprise Architect adds a model containing the selected Model Packages to the Project Browser.


Model Wizard

Default EABase.EAP Installation directories

The default installation directories, depending on which version you have installed, are:

Registered version: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA
Trial version: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA Trial
Lite version: C:\Program Files\Sparx Systems\EA Lite


Having copied the base project  as a template for your own project, you can rename it.


Copy a Base Project

Rename a Project

Configure Project

Having created your project, you can set a range of project parameters to define defaults, tailor the project to particular coding languages, and ensure consistent development and use of the project.


The Settings Menu

Defaults and User Settings

Create Custom Templates

You can customize any Enterprise Architect project as a template project with company standards, tutorials, frameworks and any other common piece of modeling already in-built; with careful planning you can save yourself many hours of work at project start-up.


Incorporate Model Templates

Copy Existing Project

A Base project contains templates and reference data to enable you to develop your own project quickly.

You can also copy an operational .EAP project file to enable separate development by team members, or to create an evaluation or distribution version of the project.


Copy Existing Projects


You can also add Model Packages to a project using the New Model From Pattern icon in the Project Browser toolbar