Please note : This help page is not for the latest version of Enterprise Architect. The latest help can be found here.

Extensions - MDG Technologies

Enterprise Architect is the core for a range of Model Driven Generation (MDG) extensions to its modeling capabilities, using more specialized, niche frameworks and profiles.


See also

A number of technologies are already integrated with the Enterprise Architect installer.




Data Flow Diagrams

Eriksson-Penker Extensions


Mind Mapping



Strategic Modeling

Systems Modeling Language (SysML)


Enterprise Architect provides support for:

Downloading MDG Technologies from external system files or websites, or
Creating your own easily with the Enterprise Architect MDG Technology Wizard

Access Remote MDG Technologies

MDG Technology SDK

Sparx Systems also market a number of MDG products, as follows:

MDG Technology For:
Zachman Framework
The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM)
Data Distribution Service (DDS)
Python (for Enterprise Architect versions 4.5 to 5.0, integrated in later versions) (* free product! *)
CORBA (* free product! *)
Java Beans (* free product! *)
Testing (* free product! *)
MDG Integration For:
Eclipse 3.3
Visual Studio 2005 and 2008
Siemens PLM Teamcenter Systems Engineering (TcSE)
MDG Link For
Visual Studio.NET
Microsoft Visio (* free product! *)
Telelogic DOORS

Over time, this list is being extended to include further products.



Sparx Systems provide different editions of Enterprise Architect tailored for systems engineering and business engineering, or both together.

These editions incorporate several of the above MDG Technologies and other Add-Ins.


Enterprise Architect Editions

Product Information: For the latest list of available Add-Ins and an introduction to each product, including details of pricing, purchasing and download options, see the Sparx Systems website.

When you purchase one of the Add-Ins, you receive one or more license keys and instructions on obtaining, installing and registering the product.

The information page for most products provides a link to download the product User Guide in .pdf format.

The product User Guide can also be displayed as a .chm file online within the product itself; to access this online help in Enterprise Architect, select the Extensions | <productname> | Help menu option.


Products Page on the Sparx Systems website

Learn more