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Developing Profiles


Profiles provide a means of extending the UML, which enables you to build models in particular domains. They are based on additional stereotypes and Tagged Values that are applied to UML elements, connectors and their components. A Profile is a collection of such extensions that together describe some particular modeling problem and facilitate modeling constructs in that domain. UML Profiles for Enterprise Architect are specified in XML files, with a specific format. These XML files can be imported into Enterprise Architect as a component of an MDG Technology.

The imported Profile also automatically generates a page of elements and relationships in the Toolbox.

Items in the Profile represent stereotypes. UML supports a large number of stereotypes, which are an inbuilt mechanism for logically extending or altering the meaning, display, appearance and syntax of a model element. Different model elements have different stereotypes associated with them.

Learn more

UML Profiles (for more information on the use of Profiles in Enterprise Architect)