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Messages - Huub

Pages: [1]
General Board / Re: EA and Use Case 2.0 'Slices'
« on: May 02, 2023, 03:26:38 am »
We're some years further and via a google search I found my own comment in this threat  :D. Anyway, do you guy's have some more good resources to read and learn from? (I'm still interested in the subject. Up till now we're kind of stuck in the middle leaving the 'product documentation' with parts of the 'project documentation'. Personally I see the necrsssity for speed during project time but also need for better functional documentation at later moments, especially when we tend to forget details and people leave the knowledge domain)

apparently there seems to be a problem in the displayToc.js
Chrome allows opening a local htm file but in the Console (F12) you'll find this error:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
    at changeCSS (file:///[yourPATH]/js/displayToc.js:52:32)
    at initPreLoad (file:///[yourPATH]/js/displayToc.js:409:3)
    at initLoad (file:///[yourPATH]/js/displayToc.js:127:3)
    at onload (file:///[yourPATH]/index.htm:9:84)

Does anybode have a solution for that? (using EA 14 here)

p.s. is the HTML Report offcially depricated in Enterpriprise Architect? This question came to mind as the F12 Console also shows a warning for the doctype uses:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
was for XHTML1 Transitional. This was a standard set in 2002. It has since long been succeeded by HTM5.....

General Board / Re: Export preferences settings
« on: May 07, 2019, 06:09:35 pm »
is this still the (only) way to go? Or is there a userfriendlier way? (at my company we'll be moving from EA 13 to 14 soon)

Uml Process / Re: XML schema key/keyref problem
« on: April 11, 2018, 05:56:12 pm »
 :-\ 11 years later EA still does not support this according to the User Guide - Schema Models.

Modeling Restrictions - these XML Schema constructs cannot be modeled in Enterprise Architect:
- appinfo
- field
- key
- keyref
- notation
- redefine
- selector
- substitutionGroup
- unique

I round tripped an example and apparently EA does not support XML Schema 1.1. Generally v1.1 has not been widely adopted. E.g.  .NET does not support XML schema 1.1 (only 1.0).
Some XML frameworks available but all have quite high prices, see:

In XML 1.0 validations on 'referential integrity' of xml data against an xsd are possible:
one can define a key (either using xsd:key or xsd:unique) and then reference it using an xsd:keyref
However, EA does explicitly not support this. See:,6837.0.html


Does anyone know a way how to model a constraining rule between attributes and elements in Enterprise Architect? More specifically at the moment, I am trying to model conditional required elements in an XSDComplexType, very simpilar to this case here:

To address these and other usage scenarios, XML Schema 1.1 provides more expressive constraints through assertions. Assertions are similar to those available in other schema languages such as Schematron and RelaxNG. Other example XSD's here:

Suggestions and Requests / Re: Business Rules Modelling Support in EA
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:57:42 am »
Unfortunately Sparx doesn't seem to offer a lot in the area of business rules & business decisions. After browsing the whole night I found two links that I'll include underneath. The reason I started was because I wondered if interfacing with tools like Agile Designer (now part of CA) or Hexawise would be possible.

Coarse grained: DMN Decision Models in EA
Export possible to CSV + code engineering

Fine grained: Business Rules in EA:
NO Export possible to CSV + very limited code engineering capability (only to C++)

Suggestions and Requests / Re: "The Decision Model" in EA
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:49:24 am »

I was looking for similar functionality. Many BPM practitioners believe that DMN will become as important for automating decisions, as BPMN has become for automating processes.

Simon, if you're interested please read this article to see why this is a next big thing and why EA should want to keep up with it:

At the moment EA´s DMN support
does seem very low profile (e.g. I see no possibility to export to reports, csv, limited code engineering support, no way to create testcases).

General Board / Re: EA and Use Case 2.0 'Slices'
« on: April 20, 2015, 06:28:53 am »
Hi Ian,

I really enjoyed reading your posting on EA and Use Case 2.0 'Slices'

Did you find a way to deal with Slices/Use Case 2.0 in EA?

As far as I know it's still possible to create a trace from Requirements to Use Cases, but not to any level deeper within UC's (e.g. Requirement to a specific Alternative flow). Very unfortunate for use in a project environment where several people are happy working with ('a kind of'..) User Stories and several others like me would like to take that to another level  by working towards a more Model Based approach in order to create a single truth to be used from several viewpoints/stakeholders.

Any insights on how to deal with this with EA would be welcome. Although for many people in the company I work for EA has a (too) steep learning curve I believe the results of a good approach van be rewarding.

All the best from The Netherlands,
 Huub van Burken

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