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Messages - Viking

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Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Assign Color to Tab
« on: February 07, 2025, 11:49:01 pm »
You can't control the tabpages from EA.

Thanks @Geert

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Assign Color to Tab
« on: February 07, 2025, 08:37:03 pm »

can I assign colors via Add-In to Tabs in the TabPages EA uses to show the diagrams?

can I assign colors to a Custom Tab I insert via Add-In in the TabPages?

I tried this, but it does not work:

var customView1 = new <myUI>();
var tab1 = new TabPage("<myUIName>");
tab1.ForeColor = Color.LightYellow;


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Extend a Menu
« on: January 30, 2025, 06:14:31 pm »
My question was not precise enough. I did not know that the menu item “Specialize” appears in each context menu. In each of the context menus appear the custom add-in with its name (and not "extensions") as part of "Specialize". The menu of the custom add-in is on demand, it is created by each click. So, the menu could reflect for what it is needed currently for the respective
-   Diagram.
-   Element.
-   Each entry in the Project Browser.
-   Menu bar.
-   Relationship.
-   Something else?

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Extend a Menu
« on: January 29, 2025, 06:09:50 pm »
Many thanks, @Eve.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Extend a Menu
« on: January 29, 2025, 05:38:45 am »
Hi, I created a menu and everything works fine. The menu appears, when I hit my created Add-In button under “Specialize”. Maybe this is all I can get.

But if I remember correctly, it is / was also possible to add a menu-item to the right-click-menu / context menu as “Extensions”. The manual is a little bit "misleading" here because it does not show pictures / the result. But I found an example from Gert Bellekens at That shows “Extensions”.

So, my question is: is it possible to change a standard-menu and if yes, how?

As I said, my menu works. I followed the manual and checked with the example from Gert.

It works with the correct command:

String guid = "...";

Hi, I wanted to use the same icons as used by the built-in toolboxes (e.g., BPMN). So, I extracted and converted them from the according MDGs. Surprisingly, they have grey backgrounds.

My questions are:
  • Where are these icons with grey background used? Or is there are trick to show them as intended? I read in articels and in the manual the grey is the color of choice for icons.
  • If there is no trick, where can I find the icons displayed in the toolboxes (with transparent or white background)?
  • Some icons are missed in the MDG (e.g., Pool of BPMN). How is it possible for EA to display them?

Hi, I found this thread because I was looking for a solution for the same issue. The helpers still do not support this. "But you can easily recreate them by creating your own toolbox pages with the appropriate names, and populating them with the standard elements and connectors." That is correct, but not for QuickLinker, at least from my point of view.

That's why my question is: is there a solution available in the meantime? V.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: MDG development by AI
« on: December 18, 2024, 02:51:26 am »
In Sparx Enterprise Architect, I want to create a stereotype that is shown as an Archimate Application BusinessProcess in an Archimate Diagram and as an Activity in an BPMN diagram. Do I need to specialize and extended any types?

I trust them. But it should not be forbidden to look for other solutions. Yes, it was the wrong way this time.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / MDG development by AI
« on: December 14, 2024, 07:15:13 am »
Hi, I asked an Artificially Intelligent Tool following question:
In Sparx Enterprise Architect, I want to create a stereotype that is shown as an Archimate Application BusinessProcess in an Archimate Diagram and as an Activity in an BPMN diagram. Do I need to specialize and extended any types?

The answer was:
"Yes, to create a stereotype in Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect that can be shown as an ArchiMate Business Process in an ArchiMate diagram and as an Activity in a BPMN diagram, you will need to extend and specialize certain types. Here are the steps to achieve this:
Steps to Create the Stereotype:
1.   Create a Profile:
o   Go to Settings > UML Types > Profiles.
o   Create a new profile package with the <<profile>> stereotype.
2.   Add Stereotype and Metaclass Elements:
o   In the profile package, add a new diagram.
o   Drag the Add Stereotype icon from the Profile Helpers page of the Diagram Toolbox onto the diagram.
o   Name the stereotype (e.g., MyHybridProcess).
3.   Extend Metaclasses:
o   In the Add Stereotype dialog, select Element Extension as the type.
o   Click Add Metaclass and select BusinessProcess from the ArchiMate metaclasses.
o   Click Add Metaclass again and select Activity from the BPMN metaclasses.
4.   Define Shape Scripts (Optional):
o   If you want to customize the appearance of the stereotype, you can define shape scripts.
o   Right-click on the stereotype and select Shape Script.
o   Define the shape script to control how the stereotype appears in different diagrams.
5.   Save and Export the Profile:
o   Save the profile package and export it as an MDG Technology file.
o   Go to Settings > MDG Technologies > Export to create the MDG Technology file.
6.   Deploy the MDG Technology:
o   Import the MDG Technology file into Enterprise Architect.
o   Go to Settings > MDG Technologies > Import and select the file.
By following these steps, you can create a stereotype that behaves as an ArchiMate Business Process in ArchiMate diagrams and as an Activity in BPMN diagrams. This approach allows you to leverage the capabilities of both notations within a single stereotype."

To my surprise the tool understood that I am talking about Hybrid Elements / Objects (that was much clearer in other answers while the tool really used the term "Hybrid Element"). I asked the same in different ways, but the answers were always very similar to this one.

But is this really a valid answer? Are there really Metaclass BusinessProcess from the ArchiMate metaclasses amd Metaclass “Activity” from the BPMN metaclasses. My understanding is that these are stereotypes.
Or is there meant something else and this example really works?

Why is this the better choice in comparison creating a new stereotype and using a shapescript?
Because it's working with the existing functionality instead of spending an unknown amount of time trying to make your alternative work.


But the disadvange is having 2 Elements instead of 1 with the "hybrid objects approach".

And if you have "hybrid objects"  anyway because other elements are not supported by the "Classifier approach", than this could make things also very complicated.

That's why I was asking in,48846.0.html, if a "redundant elements approach" (creating a sperate element for each notation and link them with a derived relation ship to mark them as redundant) wouldn't be a better choice.

Please try to create a BPMN Pool and right-click it | Advanced | Instance Classifier | specify the ArchiMate ApplicationComponent, and place the ApplicationComponent directly onto the BPMN diagram (assumed as the component is a Pool), then place BPMN object onto the both 'Pool's. You can understand when you create two or more BPMN diagrams and do the same operations for the two 'Pools'.

I tried that, but I do not see what you intended to show me, I am afraid. Could you be more precise, please?

Pool and ApplicationComponent are linked, as you said. But they are still 2 elements in the ProjectBrowser. Why is this the better choice in comparison creating a new stereotype and using a shapescript?


Due to BPMN, an application (Component) can be represented by a Pool. So, why are they on different levels?

A BPMN Business Process and a BPMN Activity in SparxEA are the same. The BPMN Business Process are just composites and point toe a diagram (with subs). A BPMN Activity is on the lowest level und thus does not point to a diagarm with sub process steps. In Archimate, all levels of a ProcessHierarchy are represented as BusinessProcesses. For my understanding there is no reason not to call the lowest level "BusinessProcessStep". Could you tell me, why they are different (beside the notation, please?

About the second question, if I were you, I would not create the 'hybrid' objects but apply the ArchiMate ApplicationComponent to a Pool as a Classifier. In other words, it seems that you do not need to define your own new type but you can realize what you want as-is.
Usually Pools contains objects on the Pools, that means the contained objects are stored as children in the Browser window. Even if you could define the type, it might not work well in this point. By creating Pools for each diagram, each child object is stored correctly under the proper Pool object.
Please try to create a BPMN Pool and right-click it | Advanced | Instance Classifier | specify the ArchiMate ApplicationComponent, and place the ApplicationComponent directly onto the BPMN diagram (assumed as the component is a Pool), then place BPMN object onto the both 'Pool's. You can understand when you create two or more BPMN diagrams and do the same operations for the two 'Pools'.

Thanks @Takeshi K. In my model the application component *is* a pool and not part of it. If I misunderstood you, please tell me more details about the steps. I followed your instructions and do not see a "result".


Maybe the used term is confusing. The term “hybrid object” is used for an Element that behaves appropriately in different contexts (e.g., as an BPMN Activity in an BPMN diagram and as an Archimate BusinessProcess in an Archimate Valuechain diagram.

I have a problems to understand and implement hybrid objects that they behave as expected (and they never do). So, wouldn’t it be much better using “redundant” elements and relate them to the “real” one with a relationship, for example “derived”, and flag the redundant element also with something like “derived”? In other words, let’s say the real element is represented as an Archimate Business Process. Now, I would like to use this element in a BPMN diagram. Instead of using (and creating before as an MDG) a hybrid object, I just create a BMPM Activity and relate this redundant element to the real one.

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