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Messages - Guillaume

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PCS General Board / Re: Difference PCS OSLC API from EA or 3rd party
« on: October 24, 2024, 07:18:34 pm »
Hi Geert,

Thanks for your reply.
Since EA, Prolaborate, WebEA or any custom script use the same PCS url + port + model name to access a repository, is it down to the PCS to handle how they communicate e.g. EA = ?, Prolaborate/WebEA = OSLC + ?, custom PowerShell = OSCL... ?

PCS General Board / Difference PCS OSLC API from EA or 3rd party
« on: October 24, 2024, 06:16:41 pm »

For Prolaborate, a Powershell script, or any other custom application, a PCS license is required with the Pro Features (OSLC ...) enabled in the PCS client.
Apart from the licensing aspects, is there any difference technically in the way EA communicates with the Pro Cloud Server API compared with third party applications ? Does EA use the same OSCL methods e.g. /oslc/am/login to get the auth token, /oslc/am/resource to get details for an element, diagram... based on its guid, etc. ?


PCS Suggestions and Requests / Prolaborate PCS OSLC Access Code support
« on: October 18, 2024, 12:51:52 am »
If a team would like to secure the access to the PCS API via an access code for an EA repository, would be it possible to add this option in Prolaborate repository configuration, alongside the PCS url, port, model name, etc ?

PCS General Board / Re: PCS API for automated tasks
« on: October 16, 2024, 07:02:57 pm »
A while ago I went through the same process and had the same question about SQL queries from the PCS API.
It must be possible, or otherwise prolaborate wouldn't be able to do it, but I haven't found any documentation about is.

My next move was to setup a local installation, and try debug the code to figure out what code exactly is executed when performing a search.
I didn't get that far yet, but maybe the guys from Sparx Systems India can help us out and tell us the secret? ;D


Thanks for confirming what I suspected. I'll try to find out how to do this. The available OSLC resources would probably not only be limited in terms of the information I need, but also time consuming to retrieve bulk information if individuals calls are needed.

PCS General Board / Re: PCS API for automated tasks
« on: October 16, 2024, 06:59:36 pm »
If you only need to extract information from the EA repository, would it be an option to connect to the database directly using ODBC or something?
That could provide you with the GUIDs needed to perform the update tasks using the PCS API.

The aim here is to make sure that the script runs on the correct EA project but querying the Project GUID and comparing it the value provided as a script parameter.
This was just an example of the need to run a query via the PCS (it's not the only one).

PCS General Board / Re: PCS API for automated tasks
« on: October 16, 2024, 12:47:27 am »
I started using the PCS API and managed to get an auth token from an EA DB without any security (for some reasons I can't get it to work with internal EA accounts).
Looking at the query capability, it doesn't seem to be as open as EA API e.g. running a SQL query on EA DB. Having said that, there may be a way to do it since it's possible to define custom queries on Prolaborate which uses the PCS API.

I'd like for instance to get the ProjectGUID which is usually available from EA.Repository, or from the DB with "select value  from usys_system where property = 'ProjectGUID'"

PCS General Board / PCS API for automated tasks
« on: September 25, 2024, 02:24:24 am »

I have a client using PowerShell to extract information from EA and generating an Excel using the Interop EA. There is an issue for scheduled tasks since a session needs to be active so an EA process can be created.
I wonder if the PCS API could be a suitable alternative but I'm not sure the required license for this. Would a single PCS Token license work to run an individual Powershell script ? Should the PCS reduce the execution time ?


Bugs and Issues / Re: EA16.1 bug: duplicate db tables on a diagram
« on: September 19, 2024, 11:06:28 pm »
Thanks for the advice but the integrity check has not solved the issue.
I'm surprised that EA client is able to render twice an element in the same diagram. It looks like a script or addin could exploit this.

The user has a remote VPN connexion and works on a large diagram. I suspect connexion issues led this to inconsistent situation in the DB which is not ideal.

Bugs and Issues / EA16.1 bug: duplicate db tables on a diagram
« on: September 19, 2024, 07:37:16 pm »

A user reported a weird bug on EA16.1 build 1628 with a data modelling diagram: the user opened the diagram wit a number of table and added existing ones from the browser. Then EA froze and after it restarted, the diagram now displays all the tables twice which is something that is not supposed to happen with EA. The repository is hosted on a PostgresDB, accessed via the PCS 5.1.128 (configured with System ODBC).
I ran the following query on the EA database and I get 2 diagram objects linked to the same element e.g. Instance ID = 1, Object ID = 1 + Instance ID = 2, Object ID = 1 + Instance ID = 3, Object ID = 2 + Instance ID = 4, Object ID = 2
select t_diagramobjects.Instance_ID, t_diagramobjects.Object_ID from t_diagramobjects where t_diagramobjects.Diagram_ID = 1000 order by t_diagramobjects.Object_ID

Has anyone come across this issue before ?
I haven't found any error in the PCS logs and I couldn't get the DBError.txt content related with the issue.

I'm trying to reproduce the issue and will update this thread if I have additional details. I plan to report it as a bug.

As qwerty mentioned, this is not the purpose of stereotypes. Furthermore DB tables have a specific implementation in EA which may be tricky to extend with UML profiles.
If you want predefined attributes (= table columns) on new tables, you can use Template Packages: create a package and diagram with the modified table, and set this package as the Project Template Package (Settings > Settings menu). From then any new table will be created according to your template.

I share Peter's point of view; SysML requirements in EA have been defined to be compliant with SysML through specific id and text tagged values.
But I would also recommend to use EA standard requirements with the following built-in fields: name, alias for the ID (so you can show it on a diagram if needed above the name), and notes.

Hi Thierry,

If you're after the drop down choice between Ascending and Descending [Order] for a column within a table index, the information is managed in EA DB t_operationparams.Const -> 0 or 1 (respectively for Ascending and Descending)

General Board / Hide instance run state values
« on: September 05, 2024, 11:31:54 pm »
I'm working with an object diagram and added values on class instances using Set Run State (based on the class attributes list).
Once this is done, values are always visible on objects/instances in diagrams. I'd like to hide these values for a diagram but couldn't find a way using the compartment visibility or diagram properties.
It's a minor issue but I was expecting there would be a way to hide these.

General Board / Re: Rotate Image Common Element
« on: September 05, 2024, 11:25:35 pm »
I don't think you can rotate images nor any standard model elements (classes, components..)
Note: the custom draw style provides some means to change the rendering for instance of a technical architecture for a Visio-like result but it doesn't include what you're after.

A feature request could be submitted for a diagram option allowing free rotation and other custom rendering on all elements.

In Office tools, when you change the colour of a text or graphical element, you have a list of Recently used colours matching the last standard and custom colours.
It would be useful to add this feature in the background, text, and line colour selection (e.g. in the Layout style menus). This would especially be useful to quickly access recent custom colours.

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