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Messages - BJTim

Pages: [1]
General Board / Rename or Delete Review Topic
« on: February 13, 2024, 11:22:38 pm »
Hi you all!
In the users guide version 16.1 under "Teams and Collaborations / Model Reviews / Take Part in Review" and there under "Contributing to a Review" there is described, that you can delete Topic Reviews using the "Delete Selected" action.
I can not find this action in the context menu of the Topic Review.
My primary intend would be to rename the Topic I mispelled before.
The idea of the reviews is a good one, but I think the ability to change thinks is a little lacking and some more reports would be good, too.

Any idea how to achieve the deleting and renaming? And maybe the reports, too?

Greetings from Germany

General Board / Re: Discussions in Sparx do you use it?
« on: March 01, 2023, 09:58:02 pm »
We use discussions and mails and (maybe in near future) reviews.
But this is a change in progress, as we use Evernote for the purpose, too, and apart from the linking this is not that bad, neither.


General Board / PDF Document from Review Elements
« on: March 01, 2023, 08:58:18 pm »
Hello EA Experts,
I am just trying to move our review process from external documentation to internal EA review docs.
The review element in the collaboration features of EA might not have the best UI, but it's quite handy with its discussion like structure.
One thing I can't find is how to create an RTF/PDF documentation from the discussion (necessary!).
In the RTF templates there are "Review" sections, but obviously they are not meant to be used here (?).
The Reviews in the model library are a completely differen topic (?), and don't help neither.
So how can I create a PDF out of a review discussion and make the discussion externally available (by email or other means).

I've found out, that the review element is documented using the "Reviews" and the "Review" section in RTF document templates.  ;D
Unfortunately the notes are HTML escaped. This goes as a bug.  :-\

If anyone has more ideas about how to document and manage reviews - you are very welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Bugs and Issues / Re: Enforce Plain Text Paste Everywhere in Sparx?
« on: February 14, 2023, 01:51:21 am »
+5 from me.

I've been asking for this for a long time.
Shouldn't be that hard to implement, but when you're always busy with something else, a little thing can become an awfully big thing.


General Board / V16 Beta on V15 Production Database
« on: November 13, 2021, 01:54:22 am »
It's hard for me to test the use cases with V16 in a completly separated test environment.
So I'd like to use the current beta with a V15 production database.
What is the risk within this scenario?
That it needs V16 to use features of V16 is clear.
Will V15 features used by V16 be corrupted? May the database become invalid and unusable?
I know, it's not recommended, but if you want early and profound feedback, the time I may invent in special tests is limited.

Greetings from Bruchsal, Germany
Bernd  8)

Bugs and Issues / Bug Tracker?
« on: October 31, 2019, 08:00:27 pm »
I've opened several bug reports regarding version 15.x (e.g. Document windows are not working, reporting all elements in a diagram is not working etc.).
None of those bugs is fixed until now.
I accept, that at Sparx you are busy, and not every bug is fixed soon, but as there are even some bugs from version 14.1 that are not fixed (e.g. task effort numbers change in xmi-Export/Import), I fear that you are overloaded.
That's why I vote for a bug tracker to have more transparency in the resolution process (beside more care about changing and removing working features).
The tracker also should allow for a voting about how urgent a bug is, and maybe you give each license 10 votes per year.
Currently we are often wondering, if we should go back to version 14.x to have some features working again. A pitty it would be, but what can we do?

Suggestions and Requests / Re: CVS support
« on: October 15, 2004, 06:06:31 am »
One more voice for CVS and SVN!

General Board / Re: Risk of using beta versions
« on: February 16, 2010, 08:23:56 pm »
OK, thanks.

I think, I can risk the use of the beta on my production models, then.

If things go horribly bad, I have my backups, but if that's unlikly to happen, I'll be glad to play around with the new features (especially the very welcome structured scenarios!).

General Board / Risk of using beta versions
« on: February 15, 2010, 06:33:57 pm »
Real issues are found during real work (mostly).
So the question arises, what the risk of using beta 8 (or any beta that follows) with production models is.
Are there significant changes to the database or its use, so that you risk your data, or is it just a use case risk, that new things might work differently in the release version?
Can one risk the parallel use of the 7.5 and 8.0 beta on production models (a desaster recovery consuming some hours of work is always possible)?

General Board / Re: New build of EA
« on: January 26, 2008, 05:08:59 am »

Sparx Systems has a great product and does a great job to support us all ;D.

Nevertheless I'd like to know a little more about their future plans and what's going on.

Although I can accept, that the silence before a storm makes the storm even more impressive, there are people like me who extend "their" EA with AddIns and the like (TFS work item export/import e.g.).

While the releases are flowing, I don't care much, but if there's a stop, I think, it would be good, if Sparx Systems posts a "Road Works Ahead" note and makes a short statement about what will come. So I could delay some efforts to use, what will be solved for free.


General Board / Re: EA 7.0 - How to insert TABs in use case scenar
« on: August 09, 2007, 11:42:13 am »
Great to hear it works for you, too!
I have to appologise to Roger: I used an old login of mine by accident, and ended up as him :o ...


Is it possible to bookmark an element added with AddNew from code?

This would make it easier to find elements modified by an algorithm.

Greetings from Germany


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