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Messages - anton.chertok

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I found something like what I want:
Portals -> Revisit -> Recent Diagrams

Its actually exactly what I wanted.

General Board / Using DB repository - how to find my recent diagrams?
« on: March 18, 2019, 05:08:19 pm »
Hi, had a search of the forum, but didn't find anything useful.

MS Word will show me my last 10 documents (recent history) so I can directly open one.  Is there a similar function in Sparx EA?

We have a complex model in the DB with lots of projects, and it is maddening to find a diagram I have been recently working on sometimes.  There is a search recent diagrams in the Start->Explore->Search dropdown, but it shows recently modified diagrams from ALL users (we have 50+ users). I just want to see diagrams I have recently worked on (I forget the names of the diagrams sometimes  :-[...)

Hey anders, how are you viewing the connector and element lists (the ones in your images), looks like a good debug tool.

Nice, thanks everyone.  Started having some success yesterday, the extra info here and on Geert's example should get me a working system.

Funny, i'm also making a text sequence description to EA model script.  Would wonder if its been done before if 2 people are concurrently attempting it.  I am using text produced by as my input.

Cheers  ;D

Does anyone know of any plugins that can be used to output an OpenAPI spec from a model?
Or read an OpenAPI spec and create a model?

I have linked a trivial diagram showing what I understand to be optional and alternate fragments.  Not sure how I generate these in a sequence diagram using JScript.  Have actors and control flows (connectors) working to my satisfaction.  Maybe I'll try some object dumps in EA to see if I can work it out =)

But if anyone knows about how its done, I'm all ears!

Hi All,
I am building a sequence diagram using JScript, I can make the actors, and the control flows, but have become stumped by adding in Alternate flow and Optional boxes.

Anyone know how its done? The alternate flows need named/labeled partitions.

I did look into the DB, and noticed the partitions, labels and height are stored in the t_xref table, but they don't seem to be in any particular order, I couldnt track down any further metadata for the partitions (they do have a guid associated with them, couldn't find the ref to them).

i would assume there is some method to add them to a diagram, as there is with the connectors and such.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Sequence Connector Properties Doesn't Work
« on: June 20, 2018, 03:44:17 pm »
Also: When the Connector Properties dialog is activated by selecting a sequence diagram connector, it does not have a scroll bar, so cannot access all its fields.

This is in addition to the issues described by dnemiro1. I am currently making a sequence diagram, and have to confirm changes via a popup warning box (to save changes) when changing focus away from the connector. Big pain...

General Board / Re: Reusing a Use Case, generic or template?
« on: June 05, 2018, 03:04:37 pm »
You can extract these steps into a separate use case and include it in all the others.
I can embed/inherit/include a use case in a use case? Or have I misunderstood you?

Side note: what's with the reCAPTCHA? I have to click it 20 times to prove I'm not a robot???

General Board / Re: Reusing a Use Case, generic or template?
« on: June 05, 2018, 09:30:30 am »
Generalizing use cases is, to be polite, absolute humbug.

Yeah, the whole idea sounds wrong to me, so I agree to your sentiment, but I promised the guy I'd throw it out here for the community to comment on ;)

Bring it on  ;)

General Board / Reusing a Use Case, generic or template?
« on: June 05, 2018, 08:59:09 am »
Hi All,

a colleague is modelling a system and has asked me if it is possible to make a generic type of Use Case, he has has several system use cases that do a similar thing (following is 3 steps in a basic scenario for the use case):

1 - System A sends request to System B
2 - System B validates request
3 - User gains access System B

This scenario plays out between 3 different systems in an authentication protocol (sort of a proxy oidc authentication), in the first use case, A is a relying party and B is an authentication proxy, in the next use case A is the proxy, and B is the identity provider, same basic path scenario in both, just different source and targets.

Is it possible/wise/appropriate to somehow have a generic (super-class?) Use Case , and have other use cases as sub-classes or implementations of the use case, a-la OO classes?

Or is it better to just clone one to create the other, no inheritance or relationship between them, then change the source and target systems, and some labels (or have some sort of template use case)?

The rationale is that we don't want to create unnecessary objects, and to re-use if possible, or is this idea taking that concept too far (this is a business process model, not a class diagramme)?

I was a bit stumped by this, so I thought I'd throw it to the community.


There is a correction for Master Documents not showing the First Page heade/Footer - this should be available in the next build - 846

The above message is the only post I could locate about this issue (8 yr old post).  Was it fixed? Because I am still not able to have the generated document show the 'first page header/footer', it shows the "rest of document header/footer".

As suggested in a different post, if I add a section break to the Master Document template it works, with the side effect of it being more like a page break (unwanted as it means first page only has document title and lots of white space).

Are there any workarounds? Can this be re-visited by the devs?

Currently the only template that I have put header/footer info into is the master document template, so I know it is being picked up as generated document shows the rest of document header/footer from the template.

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