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Messages - bd

Pages: [1]
Ok, thank you.


How can I get the values "0.5" & "Time" from the description. With parsing ?

Ok thank you. I will try it out :)

Ok I tried this way.
Code: [Select]
EA.Element sourceElement = repo.GetElementByID(id);
                    if (sourceElement.MetaType == "AcceptEventTimerAction")
                        XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
                        string query = repo.SQLQuery("SELECT * FROM t_xref WHERE Description=\"@PROP=@NAME=kind@ENDNAME;@TYPE=ActionKind@ENDTYPE;@VALU=AcceptEventTimer@ENDVALU;@PRMT=@ENDPRMT;@ENDPROP;\"");
                        //System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\text.xml", query);
                        XmlReader xmlreader = XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(query));
                        using (xmlreader)
                            while (xmlreader.Read())
                                if (xmlreader.Name == "Client")                                {

                                    // I am a bit confused here
                                    EA.Element swComponent = repo.GetElementByGuid(xmlreader.ReadInnerXml());


Hi Geert,
I mean these ones.
Thank you.


Ok, I will try to explain it again.

My target is: Developing an own Add-in, with C# as language, for Enterprise Architect. The Add-in should be an AUTOSAR XML-Exporter.

What I did so far: I use the Example AUTOSAR Model from LieberLieber, so I can test my own ARXML-Exporter. Until now, my ARXML-Exporter exports the data of existing SW-Components and the associated Ports.

Where am I stuck: One of the SW-Component contains an Internal-Behavior-Element. In this element, there are Runnables (Btw. I am able to get the data of the Runnables). In addition there is a Timer-Event-Element. When I double-click on the element, I can see the properties. In the properties, there is an item named "Triggers". When I click on Triggers, I can see the Features like "Name", "Type", "Specification". Now I want to read out this Features with my script and export them also to the ARXML-File.
I thought I could read out this features with, for example, "","" or "".
I know it is not elegant, but I didn't find another solution.

I am asking for a way to get the values of These features. I hope you understand now my Problem

Best regards,

thank you for your help btw. :) I am trying my best to get these data :/

Ok I matched the element's GUID. I used the GUID in "repo.GetElementByGuid(GUID)" but I get the same results.
I only Need the Trigger's Type,Name and Specification from the action's element.


thank you for the answer.
I used your description in the SQL-Query like this.

string name = repo.SQLQuery("SELECT Name FROM t_xref WHERE Description=\"@PROP=@NAME=kind@ENDNAME;@TYPE=ActionKind@ENDTYPE;@VALU=AcceptEventTimer@ENDVALU;@PRMT=@ENDPRMT;@ENDPROP;\"");

I saved the result into an XML-File.
I got this result





But the Name of the Timer-element is "trg_50ms".

I am a bit confused. What is my mistake ?

Best regards,


Toolbox -> More Tools -> LieberLieber AUTOSAR Engineer -> AUTOSAR Behavior -> AUTOSAR Event (Accept Timer)

Hello everyone,

I am trying to read out (with a C#-script), all the data of my Softwarearchitecture and export the data into an AUTOSAR XML-File.
One of the SW-Components has an internal behavior, which contains runnables. Furthermore there is a timer-element, which is acting as a trigger.

The timer element has properties like "General" and "Trigger". The "Trigger"-property contains "Name", "Type" and "Specification". My problem is now to get the values of these attributes.
I tried for example "timerelement.Properties.item(1).Name;" etc. but I didn't get a useful result.  :(   

Are you so Kind and show me an example how to get the values of the Trigger ?

Thank you,

Pages: [1]