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Messages - kl_seeger

Pages: [1]
Hi Geert,

many thanks for the hint. We will chance our luck.
best regards

I would like to come back on this post.
After some discussions the model admin decided to keep the task as smal as possible. They only want to clean up the objects and stereotypes which are relevant for their special service-generation-function.
They told me that in this case stereotypes are only assigned to Packages, Classes and Associations
Am I right when I say that then only the EA-tables t_object, t_connector, t_xref and t_stereotypes are relevant for analyses and perhaps needed changes or corrections??

Many thanks

Hi Geert,

thanks a lot.
You are right,  the "action"-quick-linker-menue gives a lot more oppertunities (especially the option control flow).
I take the liberty passing on your info to my colleagues so that they can review their modelling standards...
...since I'm looking through the tool-administration-glasses I'm just a messenger in this case ....  ;)

best regards

Hello,  I'm sorry that I have to post again....

One of my colleagues asked me to figure out how he can get his old EA 12.1 Qucklinker-Menue back. From his point of view this was the best since the invention of sliced bread  ;D 
A Forum-search delivered a bunch of related posts.
Am I right when I tell him that currently the only way to get something similar (and perhaps more personalized) is to follow this description ==> or is there anything else available?

Many thanks

Thanks a lot for your suggestions! I will discuss this with our model-admins.
best regards

Hello and a good day, one of our projects is struggling with the usage and cleanup of stereotypes. They are suffering from wrongly added stereotypes from older EA-versions.
I understood from these two threads

that this can be handled in a better way with EA 15.1.

Nevertheless the maintenance raises still some questions.
The UML-type-maintenance dialog is fine and the deletion of stereotypes works, but I miss the possibility to check and/or to reset/ disassociate unwanted stereotypes that are marked as "to be deleted".
As also watched here
-,42824.msg254135.html#msg254135 (last post)
the stereotype is deleted and can not be assigned again to other objects but the value is still assigned to the objects which have used the stereotype so far. This deleted stereotype will not be replaced by a new associated one... the new one will just be added too.
Knowing that behaviour I can run a simple model-search, sort the list by stereotypes and disassociate the stereotypes-"to be deleted" one after each other before I delete it... so far so good...

Wouldn't it be good feature to integrate such a (optional) "reset" in the delete-function or is that  possible and I'm not aware of this possibility?

Is there a way to identify "orphan"-stereotypes and to remove them from the object-properties?

Thanks a lot

I can confirm that a rework of the UserSecurity-permission-settings solved our problem.
I can understand that new implemented permissions are not set, but hopefully
Sparx can explain why well defined settings got lost and how we can avoid that the next time.

Thanks a lot


that sounds reasonable.... so would be the best to review this stuff and to compare it with the current user-Guide I guess...

best regards

we have upgraded from EA12.1 to EA15.1 (v1526) last weekend.
A couple od models are organized inSQLServer-repositories. The model-admins decided to use the usersecurity feature too.
This morning a couple of modelers reported that they can't find the "Lock"-functionality anymore. First we thought that this was a bit of irritation because of the heavy change in the user-interface between EA 12.1 and EA15.1.
When we digged a bit deeper we found that the users have lost their right to use the lock function.
We granted this for some modelers again and they are back to work... Since we have defined to derive the user-rights from group-rights we are unsure whether EA15.1 is not able to interpret the EA12.1 rules or something else...
Is anybody out there who came across a similar problem?
This issue has also been reported to Sparx.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / EA SafeDelete - Experiences?
« on: August 13, 2019, 07:19:24 pm »

we found "EA SafeDelete" in the third Party Extension-list on the Sparx-website.  The description sounds encouraging so that we asked for a Trial Version.
Unfortunately we had some Installation Problems so that not the Right People could test the Trial Version....

… is there anybody out there who has made some experiences with EA SafeDelete?
Is it worth keeping the ball rolling?

Does anybody know whether the EA 15 release candidate Version has been reworked a bit to come closer to EA 14 again or is that not of interest if upgrading from an older version ?

We are in the Situation that we are still running EA 12.1.
This  is a stable Version in general but we found that some interesting functions are in place with the newer versions.

We know that we have a couple of power-users on one hand and and a lot of occasional users on the other hand. We are in fear that we will "loose" the occasional users because we are not sure how to teach them "where   all the menus have gone THIS time".

Does anybody has some good advices or experiences with that kind of upgrade tasks?

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