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Messages - Stasjah

Pages: [1]
Bugs and Issues / Re: RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 24, 2024, 06:46:53 pm »
Hai, you are mentioning two versions of EA 16 and 17.
The test you do doesn't specify which version you are using for the test.
Is the generated document correct when running the script in both versions?

My suggestion is that maybe the PowerShell uses a different version than the one you use to test manually.

It seems like PowerShell is using settings from the Register and overrulling the Coverpage set as RTFtemplates.
The Register has a value LAST_DOC_COVERPAGE which had the Value <none> while the coverpage in de documentgen is getting overrulled by this.

So when i set this value to the same CoverPage template the whole document comes out fine.

It still is a mystery to me why PowerShell OverRules this and EA it self does not.

Bugs and Issues / Re: RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 23, 2024, 06:14:45 pm »
You need a user on the server to do that (aka a license). EA only offers it's API to an end-user with a license. And on a server you usually only have the databse knowing nothing about EA.


Hi qwerty,

that doesnt make any sense. why whould it generate a document through powershell at all then ? it makes a document but it is a other output then when you do with from within EA. I give that instance a floating license it is the same wrong result.

I installed EA on the servers for testing purposes.


Bugs and Issues / RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 21, 2024, 08:46:32 pm »

So there is this server with PostgreSQL and Enterprise Architect 17 and Enterprise Architect 16 having a direct link.

The server has a task of creating documents at a timestamp with powershell.

$eaRep = new-object -ComObject "EA.Repository" -ErrorAction Stop
$eaRep.SuppressSecurityDialog = "True";
$eaRep.OpenFile2($model, $doc_user, $doc_pass);
$eaProject = $eaRep.GetProjectInterface();
$eaProject.RunReport("$master_doc_guid", "$template", "$output")

when running this the document comes out bad,
- Frontpage is gone
- Heading numbers are wrong ( 1.1 follows on 32)
- pages that should be at the front are somewhere in the middle or in the back

But when i run the .RunReport Commando with the same parameters within a EA instance Script window (javaScript) the document comes out just fine. (same user, same connection, same machine).

Any suggestions ?

General Board / Re: custom documents fail to update
« on: October 04, 2023, 12:03:26 am »
Can confirm this problem, it seems like i cant delete the sections that wont update aswell.
You found a work around ?

Hi Stasjah,

Which Language?  "&" works fine for me in VBScript editor.


Hi paolo

I am running a dutch version and languague is set to dutch(Windows), however it also happens at an english installation.
EA is english.
its the ASCII char 34  and char 39.

i can handle the not working Char's in the editor, the suggestion how ever are the most anoying


Bugs and Issues / Unable to use '&" and suggetions in Script Editor
« on: March 04, 2021, 10:34:28 pm »

I was wondering if any body has any issues with the Script Editor inside EA.
I am unable to use the ' and " char's inside the Script editor.
I am also unable to get any suggestions after a  . after a element or function.

the funny thing is i can use the ' & " chars at ANY other place inside EA or any place you can think of.

I encounterd this bug at multiple installations and laptop's and in Citrix environments. So i find it pretty odd i cant find anything about it.
running a dutch version of Windows 10 Home Build version 2004(19041.804)- Unicode, Changing the language does not resolve the problem.
Changing chcp page does not resolve the problem.

Happend in v15.1 and v15.2

Wondering if anybody has some suggestions :)

Kind Regards,

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