Bugs and Issues / Re: RunReport with PowerShell
« on: October 24, 2024, 06:46:53 pm »Hai, you are mentioning two versions of EA 16 and 17.
The test you do doesn't specify which version you are using for the test.
Is the generated document correct when running the script in both versions?
My suggestion is that maybe the PowerShell uses a different version than the one you use to test manually.
It seems like PowerShell is using settings from the Register and overrulling the Coverpage set as RTFtemplates.
The Register has a value LAST_DOC_COVERPAGE which had the Value <none> while the coverpage in de documentgen is getting overrulled by this.
So when i set this value to the same CoverPage template the whole document comes out fine.
It still is a mystery to me why PowerShell OverRules this and EA it self does not.