Thanks Steve, I am sure that Ian's eaSheets has better functionality. Other than the additional cost, on top of Sparx EA and PCS, the biggest 2 issues for us are accreditation and whether eaSheets can work through PCS (instead of direct database connection).
Why it is down to the good work of people like Ian or Geert to get a decent way to get data into Sparx EA via Excel or even word is beyond me. Sparx Systems should be investing in this or buying Ian's or Geert's code and developing it further.
An issue we constantly is that, although we can write scripts, we often do have time constraints that stop us from writing scripts.
This conversation is drifting a bit now, and should probably end up in a different thread if it continues! I have conflicting thoughts about all this. On the one hand it makes sense to me for Sparx Systems to focus on what they do well and allow partners to fill in any gaps. A flourishing partner ecosystem is good for everyone. An accreditation system is an important part of that, allowing people to buy partner products in confidence. I don't think having a "3rd party extensions" page ( is that, although I suppose it is better than nothing. Accreditation ultimately adds to cost, though, as partners and Sparx will end up with more work to do.
But I agree at some point, when a functionality gap becomes something everyone expects then Sparx needs to somehow start providing that functionality, and acquiring and integrating a partner product continues to support the partner ecosystem in a way that building their own does not. (I do realise it isn't that simple

I understand the script writing issues. I'm operating largely as a one man EA band at the moment, and so I can live with scripts that get the job done and don't have to be as robust as they would need to be if used within a larger team. That reduces the amount of time I need to spend on them. Plus I enjoy writing code, so it makes me happy! But that's just me and my situation. I'm glad the facility is there, but I understand why not everyone can make use of it.