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Messages - ea0522

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 9
General Board / Re: Script Library Templates
« on: December 19, 2024, 05:44:30 pm »
It is not really possible to change the folder for EA Scripts.
You can however create your own folder and write your own (versions of) scripts.

I did this for some scripts in folder "BaatScriptLib" where I for instance changed the logging and created a new library for im/export:

Code: [Select]
!INC BaatScriptLib.BaatScript-Logging
!INC BaatScriptLib.JavaScript-ImEx

When adding an Element to a Diagram, I used the following JavaScript:

Code: [Select]
const strAddNewNameObject      = "l=30;r=195;t=300;b=510;";

// Add the curElement to curDiagram
curDiagramObjects = curDiagram.DiagramObjects;
curDiagramObject  = curDiagramObjects.AddNew( strAddNewNameObject, "" );
curDiagramObject.ElementID = curElement.ElementID;

The const strAddNewNameObject is defining the location of the Element in pixels.
Then use this const as Name for the AddNew method and assign the ElementID for the reference to the Element placed.
Ofcourse, the const can also be constructed by calculations...

General Board / Re: Traceability of Data Objects
« on: December 09, 2024, 06:35:37 pm »
We model the Flow connection using an Application_Interface and associate the data object to that Interface object.
The Application_Interface is realised by 1 Application and can be used by 0, 1 or more other Applications.
Using an Application_Interface allows us also to register more information on the interface like the URL, frequency of use, etc.

For completeness we also associate the data object with the applications, allowing us to do analysis on which data is used where.

General Board / Re: How are people integrating EA into confluence?
« on: December 06, 2024, 12:14:49 am »
You could also install WebEA and publish the links to the diagrams in Confluence.

Bugs and Issues / Re: No double quotes in Script Editor
« on: November 29, 2024, 01:48:18 am »
I have the same problem.
Workaround copy / paste works for me...

Thanks for the quick reply!

Hai Shimon,
Nice solution.
Just wondering, how do you determine which Tagged Values to remove?
Is it hardcoded in the script or do you have some other mechanism?

Found a solution I would like to share:

Code: [Select]
// Set the properties of curDiagram as EA.Diagram
curDiagram.HighlightImports = false;   // Hides the Namespace of Elements
curDiagram.ExtendedStyle    = "HideAtts=1;";   // Hides the Attribute compartment of Elements
curDiagram.StyleEx              = "HideConnStereotype=1;";  // Hides the Stereotype Labels of Connectors

Works for me in JavaScript.
Thanks to Geert for pointing in the right direction.

Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion Geert.
Did some testing and it looks like it is stored in the PDATA column.

Now the next issue arises, as I cannot find how to set the value for this from JavaScript...
It seems not to be a property of the EA.Diagram object.

Using a JavaScript, I can create a diagram showing the elements I'm interested in.
However, by default, the diagram shows some compartments of the elements resulting in a rather messy diagram with elements of different sized (large) object boxes.

I can make the diagram look nicer using a property of the diagram using "Diagram Properties => Elements => Show Compartments" and then ticking or unticking the desired compartments, e.g. do not tick the Attributes compartment.

Now I would like to know how to set this diagram property using my JavaScript.

A while ago, I had a similar issue with EA Freeze in a different use case where there was a pop-up involved.
Turned out that the pop-up window was shown somewhere out of the visual screen boundary.
The issue was solved by using something like ctrl-M I believe which enables a Windows user to move a window around using the arrow keys. With this, the pop-up screen could be brought back into the visual part of the monitor again.
Problem solved...

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Memory leaks in JavaScript
« on: November 12, 2024, 10:40:32 pm »
Hai Geert,
Thanks for these recommendations to improve the performance of my script.

However, I cannot see how it explains the exponential increase in processing times needed as the numbers grow.
That's why I asked for suggestions to detect a memory leak as it looks like the process is increasing the amount of memory needed for every line in the csv.

Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Re: Memory leaks in JavaScript
« on: November 12, 2024, 08:58:26 pm »
Hai Geert,
Thanks for the quick reply.
My first thought was there might be some debugging tools giving insight into this issue.
But if you want to have a look at my code, I made a smaller test script with the same functionality, its included at the end of this post.
The results it delivered are:

Started TestImportPerformanceCSV at 2024-11-12 09:15:25!
2024-11-12 09:15:31 Processed row[ 1 ]
2024-11-12 09:16:00 Processed row[ 500 ]
2024-11-12 09:16:44 Processed row[ 1000 ]
2024-11-12 09:17:39 Processed row[ 1500 ]
2024-11-12 09:18:49 Processed row[ 2000 ]
2024-11-12 09:20:31 Processed row[ 2500 ]
2024-11-12 09:22:48 Processed row[ 3000 ]
2024-11-12 09:25:49 Processed row[ 3500 ]
2024-11-12 09:30:56 Processed row[ 4000 ]
2024-11-12 09:37:37 Processed row[ 4500 ]
2024-11-12 09:44:01 Processed row[ 5000 ]
2024-11-12 09:46:34 Processed row[ 5500 ]
2024-11-12 09:50:12 Processed row[ 6000 ]
2024-11-12 09:56:18 Processed row[ 6500 ]
2024-11-12 10:03:33 Processed row[ 7000 ]
2024-11-12 10:12:28 Processed row[ 7500 ]
2024-11-12 10:24:41 Processed row[ 8000 ]
2024-11-12 10:39:43 Processed row[ 8500 ]
Finished TestImportPerformanceCSV at 2024-11-12 10:51:39!

Code: [Select]
!INC Local Scripts.EAConstants-JavaScript
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-Dialog
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-CSV
!INC EAScriptLib.JavaScript-Logging

 * This code has been included from the default Diagram Script template.
 * If you wish to modify this template, it is located in the Config\Script Templates
 * directory of your EA install path.
 * Script Name: TestImportPerformanceCSV
 * Author: J. de Baat
 * Purpose: Import the Attribute information from a CSV file into the repository
 * Date: 12-11-2024

const IDBTaggedValueIDBKey       = "IDBKey"; // Definition of the TV Property used as IDB Key in DataBricks

const ImExColumnName             = "Name"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnNotes            = "Notes"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnClassGUID        = "CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnClassType        = "CLASSTYPE"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnStereotype       = "Stereotype"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorGUID    = "CONNECTORGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorID      = "Connector_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnConnectorType    = "Connector_Type"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnStartObjectID    = "Start_Object_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnEndObjectID      = "End_Object_ID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnCSOClassGUID     = "CSO_CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnCTOClassGUID     = "CTO_CLASSGUID"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnAttributeName    = "AttributeName"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnAttributeType    = "AttributeType"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsCollection     = "IsCollection"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsOrdered        = "IsOrdered"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnIsStatic         = "IsStatic"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnLength           = "Length"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnPrimaryKey       = "PrimaryKey"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnForeignKey       = "ForeignKey"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules
const ImExColumnUnique           = "Unique"; // Definition of the Excel Column Name used as key for the ImEx Modules

const strTaggedValuesPrefix      = "TAG_";
const IDBKeyPrefix               = "IDB_";
const IDBKeyColumnName           = "Object_ID"; // Definition of the DB Keys to get the IDB key from a TaggedValue
const IDBKeyTable                = "t_objectproperties"; // Definition of the DB Keys to get the IDB key from a TaggedValue

const CSVFilterString            = "CSV Files (*.csv;*.txt)|*.csv;*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||";

// The level to log at
let   intImportRowNr = 0;
let   intShowDelta   = 500;
let   intShowRowNr   = 0;
let   strMessage     = "";

 * Handle the CSVImport for importing Attributes
function IDBImportAttributes( )

try {

// Get the CSV fileName for this Import session, true for readonly.
let curCSVFileName = DLGOpenFile( CSVFilterString, 1 );
if ( ( curCSVFileName == null ) || ( curCSVFileName == "" ) ) {
LOGError( "DLGOpenFile could NOT Get curCSVFileName!" );
return " IDBImportAttributes DLGOpenFile could NOT Get curCSVFileName!!!";

// Start the CSVImport for this session
LOGTrace( " Started CSV Import for curCSVFileName " + curCSVFileName + "!!!" );
CSVIImportFile( curCSVFileName, true );

// Return "" as successful result
return "";

} catch (catch_err) {
LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
return "IDBImportAttributes catched error " + catch_err.message + "!";


 * Process the Attributes found in the CSV Import file
function OnRowImported( theRow )

var curElement as EA.Element;

let importRow = 0;

try {

importRow = importCurrentRow;
strMessage = " importCurrentRow(" + importRow + ").length = " + importCurrentRow.length + ", Action = " + importCurrentRow[0] + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Find and process the elements available in this importRow
curElement = IDBFindCSVElementByTVIDBKey( IDBTaggedValueIDBKey );
if ( curElement != null ) {
// Process element found
strMessage = "Processing curElement.Name = " + curElement.Name + ", ElementID = " + curElement.ElementID + ", ParentID = " + curElement.ParentID + ", PackageID = " + curElement.PackageID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Process the Attributes for curElement found
let curResult = IDBProcessElementAttribute( curElement );
// Session.Output( "Processed row[ " + importRow + " ] for " + curElement.Name + " at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + ", curResult = "  + curResult + "!" );
if ( intImportRowNr >= intShowRowNr ) {
strMessage = _LOGGetDisplayDate() + " Processed row[ " + intImportRowNr + " ] for " + curElement.Name + ", curResult = "  + curResult + "!";
Session.Output( strMessage );
intShowRowNr += intShowDelta;
} else {
strMessage = _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "Processed row[ " + intImportRowNr + " ] for null curElement!";
Session.Output( strMessage );

} catch (catch_err) {
LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );

// Free up memory
curElement        = null;
currentLine       = null;
currentLineTokens = null;

 * Process the Attributes for curElement found with information as provided
function IDBProcessElementAttribute( theElement )

// Cast theElement to EA.Element so we get intellisense
var curElement     as EA.Element;
var curAttributes  as EA.Collection;
var curAttribute   as EA.Attribute;

// try {

// Get and check the ImExCSVColumnAttributeName parameter
let newAttributeName = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnAttributeName );
if ( ( newAttributeName == null ) || ( newAttributeName == "" ) ) {
// Return null because not found
return "IDBProcessElementAttribute: newAttributeName not available so Attribute NOT created!!!";

// Check all Attributes in theTypePackage whether the requested theAttributeName already exists
curElement    = theElement;
curAttributes = curElement.Attributes;
curAttribute  = IDBGetCollectionObjectByName( curAttributes, newAttributeName );

// Create new Attribute when it does not exist yet
if ( curAttribute == null ) {

// Get and check the ImExCSVColumnAttributeType parameter
let newAttributeType = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnAttributeType );
if ( ( newAttributeType == null ) || ( newAttributeType == "" ) ) {
// Use default value because not found
newAttributeType = "string";
LOGTrace("Use default value string for newAttributeType because not found!!!" );

// Create the new curAttribute
curAttribute = curAttributes.AddNew( newAttributeName, newAttributeType );

strMessage = "Started curAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Update the parameters for curAttribute
curAttribute = IDBUpdateAttributeProperties( curAttribute );

let curResult = "IDBProcessElementAttribute: Processed " + curAttribute.Name + " for Type " + curAttribute.Type + " !!!";

// Free up memory
curElement    = null;
curAttribute  = null;
curAttributes = null;

return curResult;
// } catch (catch_err) {
// LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
// return "ERROR IDBProcessElementAttribute: catched error " + catch_err.message + "!";
// }


 * Update theAttribute with information as provided
function IDBUpdateAttributeProperties( theAttribute )

// Cast theAttribute to EA.Attribute so we get intellisense
var curAttribute as EA.Attribute;

// try {
curAttribute = theAttribute;

// Check information found
let newAttributeNotes = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnNotes );
if ( ( newAttributeNotes == undefined ) || ( newAttributeNotes == "" ) ) {
// Define newAttributeNotes because not found
newAttributeNotes = curAttribute.Name + " created by the TestImportPerformanceCSV script for Type " + curAttribute.Type + " on " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + ".";

// IsCollection indicates if the current feature is a collection or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents a ForeignKey.
let newAttributeIsCollection = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsCollection );
if ( ( newAttributeIsCollection == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsCollection == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsCollection from ImExCSVColumnForeignKey because ImExCSVColumnIsCollection not found
newAttributeIsCollection = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnForeignKey );
if ( ( newAttributeIsCollection != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsCollection != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsCollection = newAttributeIsCollection;

// IsOrdered indicates if a collection is ordered or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents a PrimaryKey.
let newAttributeIsOrdered = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsOrdered );
if ( ( newAttributeIsOrdered == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsOrdered == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsOrdered from ImExCSVColumnPrimaryKey because ImExCSVColumnIsOrdered not found
newAttributeIsOrdered = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnPrimaryKey );
if ( ( newAttributeIsOrdered != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsOrdered != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsOrdered = newAttributeIsOrdered;

// IsStatic indicates if the current attribute is a static feature or not. If the attribute represents a database column this, when set, represents the 'Unique' option.
let newAttributeIsStatic  = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnIsStatic );
if ( ( newAttributeIsStatic == undefined ) || ( newAttributeIsStatic == "" ) ) {
// Get newAttributeIsStatic from ImExCSVColumnUnique because ImExCSVColumnIsStatic not found
newAttributeIsStatic = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnUnique );
if ( ( newAttributeIsStatic != undefined ) && ( newAttributeIsStatic != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.IsStatic = newAttributeIsStatic;

// Length indicates the attribute length, where applicable.
let newAttributeLength = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( ImExColumnLength );
if ( ( newAttributeLength != undefined ) && ( newAttributeLength != "" ) ) {
curAttribute.Length = newAttributeLength;

strMessage = "Started newAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] for IsOrdered " + curAttribute.IsOrdered + ", newAttributeIsOrdered " + newAttributeIsOrdered + " !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Update the parameters for curAttribute
curAttribute.Notes = newAttributeNotes;

strMessage = "Updated newAttribute[ " + curAttribute.Name + " ] for Type " + curAttribute.Type + ", IsCollection " + curAttribute.IsCollection + " !";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
// } catch (catch_err) {
// LOGError( " catched error " + catch_err.message + "!" );
// }

return curAttribute;

 * Get the requested CollectionObject from theCollectionObjects using theObjectName as parameter
function IDBGetCollectionObjectByName( theCollectionObjects, theObjectName )
// Cast theCollectionObjects to EA.Collection so we get intellisense
var curCollectionObjects as EA.Collection;
var curCollectionObject  as EA.Element;

// Check all Elements in theCollectionObjects whether the requested curElement is already defined
curCollectionObjects = theCollectionObjects;

// Loop over curCollectionObjects to find theObjectName
let curCollectionObjectsCount = curCollectionObjects.Count;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < curCollectionObjectsCount ; i++ )
curCollectionObject = curCollectionObjects.GetAt( i );
if ( curCollectionObject.Name === theObjectName ) {
strMessage = "Found CollectionObject ( " + curCollectionObject.Name + " ) as part of " + curCollectionObjectsCount + " CollectionObjects!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Clean up memory
curCollectionObjects = null;

return curCollectionObject;
// strMessage = " TESTED CollectionObject ( " + curCollectionObject.Name + " ) against theObjectName " + theObjectName + " !!!";
// LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Clean up memory
curCollectionObjects = null;
curCollectionObject  = null;

// theObjectName not found as part of curCollectionObjects
strMessage = "DID NOT FIND theObjectName ( " + theObjectName + " ) as part of " + curCollectionObjectsCount + " CollectionObjects!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;


 * Find curElement using the TaggedValue in theTVIDBKey Property
function IDBFindCSVElementByTVIDBKey( theTVIDBKey )

var curElement         as EA.Element;
let theCSVColumnIDBKey  = "";
let curElementIDBKey    = "";
let curElementObject_ID = "";

// Find the Element identified by theTVIDBKey
theCSVColumnIDBKey  = strTaggedValuesPrefix + theTVIDBKey;
curElementIDBKey    = CSVIGetColumnValueByName( theCSVColumnIDBKey );
curElementObject_ID = IDBGetObjectIDFromTVProperty( theTVIDBKey, curElementIDBKey );
curElement          = GetElementByID( curElementObject_ID );
if ( curElement != null ) {

// Return curElement found
strMessage = "( " + curElementIDBKey + " ) found curElement.Name = " + curElement.Name + " and curElementObject_ID " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return curElement;

//  Nothing found so return null
strMessage = "( " + theTVIDBKey + " ) did not find curElement for curElementIDBKey = " + curElementIDBKey + " and curElementObject_ID " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;


 * Get the GUID related to the theTVProperty with value theTVValue from the t_objectproperties table
function IDBGetObjectIDFromTVProperty( theTVProperty, theTVValue )

// Get the Object_ID registered for theTVProperty with value theTVValue
let IDBKeyWhereClause   = IDBKeyTable + ".Property = '" + IDBTaggedValueIDBKey + "'"
+ " and " + IDBKeyTable + ".Value = '" + theTVValue + "'";
let curElementObject_ID = IDBGetFieldValueString( IDBKeyColumnName, IDBKeyTable, IDBKeyWhereClause );
if ( curElementObject_ID.length > 0 ) {

// Return the curElementObject_ID for curElement found
strMessage = "( " + theTVValue + " ) found curElementObject_ID = " + curElementObject_ID + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return curElementObject_ID;

//  Nothing found so return null
strMessage = "( " + theTVValue + " ) did not find any curElementObject_ID for theTVProperty " + theTVProperty + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );
return null;


 * Queries the repository database for the first field value whose corresponding row matches the
 * specified WHERE clause.
 * @param[in] columnName (string) The column name whose field value will be queried for
 * @param[in] table (string) The table that the column resides in
 * @param[in] whereClause (string) The SQL where clause that the query will use to select the
 * appropriate row
 * @return A String representing the requested field value
function IDBGetFieldValueString( columnName /* : String */, table /* : String */, whereClause /* : String */ ) /* : String */
var stringValue = "";

// Construct and execute the querySQL and parse the queryResult
let querySQL               = "SELECT " + columnName + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + whereClause;
let queryResult            = Repository.SQLQuery( querySQL );
let queryResultParts       = queryResult.split( columnName );
let queryResultPartsLength = queryResultParts.length;

// Check the queryResult for the stringValue found
if ( queryResultPartsLength == 3 )
if ( queryResultParts[1].startsWith(">") ) {
stringValue = queryResultParts[1].substring( 1, ( queryResultParts[1].length - 2 ) );
strMessage = "Repository found queryResultParts[" + 1 + "] = " + queryResultParts[1] + ", stringValue = " + stringValue + "!!!";
LOGTrace( strMessage );

// Free up memory
queryResult            = null;
queryResultParts       = null;
queryResultPartsLength = null;

return stringValue;

 * Diagram Script main function
function TestImportPerformanceCSV()
// Show the script output window
Repository.EnsureOutputVisible( "Script" );

Session.Output( "======================================= Started TestImportPerformanceCSV at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "!" );


// Get the Attributes from import file
let curResult = IDBImportAttributes();
if ( curResult.length > 0 ) {
LOGError( curResult );
} else {
LOGInfo( "Finished processing!" );
LOGError(" found Error: " + catch_err + "!!!" );

Session.Output( "======================================= Finished TestImportPerformanceCSV at " + _LOGGetDisplayDate() + "!" );


Automation Interface, Add-Ins and Tools / Memory leaks in JavaScript
« on: November 11, 2024, 11:56:30 pm »
At the moment, I'm writing a JavaScript to read attributes from a CSV file to add them to table objects.
Running EA v16.1 on a local pc using a local QEA file for development.
Importing the first hundreds is no problem, it takes about 23 sec for the first 500.
The next 500 take already 50 secs while 3500 - 4000 take 14 mins.
Looking at the memory consumption of the EA process shows an increasing use of memory accumulating from 500 MB to 2-3 GB together with a high energy consumption level.

I've already tried some 'tricks' to minimize / optimize the memory usage:
  • Release the objects used (e.g. curElement = null;)
  • Implement SQL result parsing using string manipulation instead of using an XML COM Object from EAScriptLib
  • Generate string for logging instead of using object references
  • Release the objects used by the CSV import module from EAScriptLib
  • Only show progress for every 500 imports instead of every import row

These 'tricks' have already improved the import of 8000 lines from 4.5 hours to 1 hour but I still think this is too much.
One last option I have is to split the CSV files into smaller chunks, but this still doesn't really solve the issue as it will increase the manual processing load.

Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue?
Maybe a tool to analyse the memory usage of the JavaScript?

Would it be an option to enable logging on database level?
Both EA and Prolaborate make changes to the same database.

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