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Messages - ea0522

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
General Board / Re: Custom report content issue
« on: September 17, 2024, 03:44:25 pm »
Why not introduce a TaggedValue like "InterfaceType" containing either "Internal" or "External"?
You could then mix elements like you want and filter them using the TV.

PCS General Board / Re: WebEA does not update diagrams
« on: September 05, 2024, 09:28:20 pm »
However, in the case of the EA Worker, if you modify a diagram indirectly (e.g. you rename an element that appears on multiple diagrams), then the Worker will update/save the image for all the relevant diagrams.

This is why I prefer to rely on the saving of the EA client.
It will also regenerate the images when new connectors are created.
If I create a new connector between elements A and B on diagram X, then this connector will be shown on all diagrams where both elements A and B are shown.
In our case, this will clutter a lot of diagrams unintentionally...

PCS General Board / Re: WebEA does not update diagrams
« on: September 05, 2024, 03:39:03 pm »
It's not WebEA that does the rendering of the images.
The EA client does.
And to my knowledge, it indeed does not detect a change of the name of an element.
You can see that when editing a diagram in EA. The "*" indicating the diagram has changed only appears when an element or connector is moved, added or removed.

There is an option you can manually trigger to regenerate all diagrams in batch.
See "Settings => Model => Options", there is a button in the list of options related to "Cloud".
Maybe that will help the use case you are describing?

Bugs and Issues / Re: Transfer from QEA to EAP fails
« on: September 04, 2024, 03:31:37 pm »
Ah, sorry, my misreading indeed.

Bugs and Issues / Re: Transfer from QEA to EAP fails
« on: September 03, 2024, 10:24:43 pm »
The 64 bit edition doesn't support .eap files anymore, the 32 bit edition does.
Which version are you using then?

I just tested Program Version: 16.1.1621 (Build: 1621) - 64 bit and it still supports the transfer from EAP to QEA.
Try menu "Settings => Transfer => Migrate EAP/EAPX Project to QEA".
It allows to select the QEA file to transfer to and it even asks whether to create the file when it doesn't exist.

General Board / Re: Class operation parameter types
« on: September 03, 2024, 03:41:27 pm »
Have you tried using a connector between the parameter and Class2?
With connectors, you can define multiplicity on either end.

Would it be possible to parse a YAML file using JavaScript?

I can read the file contents, that's easy.
I know how to parse JSON using the built-in JSON library.
Just wondering whether there is a similar library for YAML?

Alternatively, is there an option to include a Node.js library which is capable of doing what I need?

Don't know how much elements you need to report.
In case there are not that many, you may want to consider showing them on a diagram and use a legend to visualize the different values of tag3.
There is a diagram layout option to automatically layout all elements, sorted by e.g. Name.
There is also a script to update the legend to show all values used for the tag3 defined in the legend.

For this diagram you could create a script to be activated when on the diagram.
You could probably even create a script which is run automatically when the diagram is changed.


Any update on this functionality?
We are trying to import the DB settings for a DataBricks environment and are failing so far...

For the block diagramming, you might want to check the Layout Tool. I sometimes use the Box option to organise a bunch of elements.

For interface specifications, I came across a blog which looks promising:


if the is something in the specification which says something like this: "the specification mandates it is essentially a decoration"

Sorry, I don't understand.
If the specification says "The grouping element aggregates or composes", why should it then be (only?) some decoration?

As I said, there is a difference between a grouping decoration and a Grouping Element.
The grouping decoration is purely visual and supported by all drawing tools which are capable of drawing a rectangle over some other objects.
The Grouping Element is (or should be) a modeling object with attributes and capabilities like other modeling objects like e.g. a name, relationships, etc.

Could you post a reference to this, please?

According to the specification (

4.5.1. Grouping
The grouping element aggregates or composes concepts that belong together based on some common characteristic.

So shouldn't then the ArchiMate MDG define a Grouping element?
In my experience, there is a difference between the ArchiMate Grouping element and the visual grouping of elements on a diagram.
With the ArchiMate Grouping, it should be possible to define relationships between the Grouping element and the elements grouped by it.
While the grouping on a diagram is only visual, there is no relation with the elements contained within the group.

General Board / Re: How to export high resolution from WebEA?
« on: August 14, 2024, 03:44:06 pm »
You could try to export them from Sparx as SVG files.
There is an option "Publish => Diagram Image => Save => Save to File" which opens the explorer window to choose not only the name but also the type of the file.

Maybe a silly question in this discussion.
Is this not an issue of the ArchiMate MDG?

According to the specification (

4.5.1. Grouping
The grouping element aggregates or composes concepts that belong together based on some common characteristic.

So shouldn't then the ArchiMate MDG define a Grouping element?
In my experience, there is a difference between the ArchiMate Grouping element and the visual grouping of elements on a diagram.
With the ArchiMate Grouping, it should be possible to define relationships between the Grouping element and the elements grouped by it.
While the grouping on a diagram is only visual, there is no relation with the elements contained within the group.

Maybe silly suggestion but did you check the file usage / disk space on the server?
Storing the image data of diagrams can take a lot of space which needs to be stored.

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